Chapter 2.

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A/N: Please leave comments with feedback! It'd be very much appreciated 😊

"Amelia..? Amelia..? Am--"
"What what what?!" I quickly responded when I realized that my social worker was talking to me. "I-I'm sorry Beth, I'm just a little nervous." I lied. I'm not nervous. I am annoyed, upset and broken.

"Oh it's quite alright hon." Beth said. "It's normal for you to be distracted given your past history with foster homes. But Stef and Lena are one of the best foster homes in the system in our area. I think you will love it there."

Beth looked at me with sincere, saddened eyes. "Why don't we take a trip to your current foster home and pack your things?"

I nodded and we left her office to the parking lot. We came to the parking garage where her car was located and as we were walking a loud crash-like sound made me jump out of my skin.

"Amelia, are you okay? It was just a car door shutting." Beth said.

"Ye-yeah I'm fine, I swear." I flinched as I said rubbed my arm, trying to comfort me. We found her car in the parking garage and she got in the drivers seat as I got in the passenger seat. The ride was quiet until Beth broke the silence.

"So Amelia, has anyone gave you any information on who the Fosters are?" I shook my head no.

"Well, Stef and Lena are partners and they have three children. Brandon who is sixteen, Mariana who is fifteen, and her twin brother Jesus who is also fifteen. All of the children attend Anchor Beach and that is where you will attend as well. They are an amazing family and when I talked to them on the phone today they sounded very excited to meet you!"

I didn't respond. How could this family be excited to meet me? Don't they know I'm broken and damaged and no one can ever love me?
I stared out the window until we pulled up to the house where all my things are. This house brings back so many bad memories. This is the house where he touched me, and beat me.

Beth puts the car in park and looks at me with concerned eyes, like everyone does these days.

"Amelia are you ready to go in? I know this is going to be hard for you but you need your things to go to your new home."

I didn't respond to her again. I stared at the house with the CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS tape plastered over the front door. I couldn't take my eyes off of it.

"Don't worry about that tape" Beth explained, "The police aren't finished with the investigation but since all of your belongings are there they decided to let you go in and get them."

I tried to look relieved but I'm not so good at acting.

"Is-is there still, like my blood on the floor from the attack?" I asked nervously. Part of me didn't even want to know the answer.

Beth sighed. "I'm sorry honey but I think so. You will see some remains of your attack in the house today. The detectives have not cleaned everything, since it has been only a couple days since it happened. But since it happened in the living room, not your bedroom, we can go inside."

My mind went blank. I don't want to go in there. I don't want to face what happened to me.

"If you would like, I can go in and pack your things for you?" Beth suggested. I nodded my head, trying to hold back my tears.

"Okay honey, I'll be right out, please stay in the car." Beth got out of the drivers seat and locked the car doors. She started to the house and I made sure she was completely in the house and could not see me before I bursted out in tears. I was crying so hard I could not catch my breath. Why do these things happen to me?

It has been a few minutes since Beth went into the house to get my things from the house. I pulled myself together when I saw Beth come out of the house with my things in a duffle bag. She opens the back door of the car and puts my things on the seat. She gets into the drivers seat and starts the car.

"Amelia, are you ready to meet your new foster family?" She asked as she pulled out of the driveway.

I took a deep breath. "Ready as ill ever be."

She half smiled at me as we pulled out of the long driveway. 29 Willow Drive. This is the address of the house where my life turned to shambles. As we drove past the house, all of the flashbacks from that horrific night came pouring into my mind. I thought about how he would push me onto the ground and keep hitting me and hitting me if I didn't listen to him. With these thoughts in my mind, my hand wandered on my thigh where I found the enormous bruise that I got from him. I still cringe at the pain.

Before I know it we pull into the driveway to the Foster's house. It's big and beautiful. Beth puts the car in park and looks at me.
"Amelia. You're safe here, okay hon? And you have my phone number if you need to talk to me and feel free to use it, okay?" I nodded my head. "Okay, lets go meet the Fosters then."

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