Chapter 4.

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Hey guys! Sorry its been too long :( i have another chapter ready so possibly tomorrow ill post the next one!! thank you guys so much!!


I followed Stef and Lena downstairs to the kitchen and sat down at the last open seat at the table.

We all started eating dinner and it was complete silence until Mariana broke it.

"So Amelia if you need help around school tomorrow like looking for your classes and stuff just let me know and I can totally help you out!"
I looked to Stef and Lena. "So how did I get into Anchor Beach isn't it like a hard school to get into?"

"I'm the vice principal so I put in a good word for you sweets." Lena smiled. Oh great, I thought to myself; my foster mom is the vice principal. Let the bullying begin.

"Do you have any hobbies or activities you like to do Amelia?" Jesus asked me while stuffing his face with pasta.
"Jesus honestly you're so gross close your mouth, god." Mariana snapped at him. Jesus opened his mouth, looking like he was going to spit out his food onto Mariana
"Alright you two that's enough. Let Amelia talk." Stef said as she made eye contact to me.

"Um.. When I was little, before I was put in the system my parents put me in dance class and I've been in love with dancing ever since, but I've never actually been able to pursue it." I explained. "But that's really it, nothing special. " I lightly chuckled. "Well you know," Lena began to explain. "Anchor beach has an amazing dance team that I think you would be perfect for!"
"Oh I don't know, I'm way out of practice and I don't think I'm all that good anyways."
"No you should totally join!" Mariana pleaded. "I'm on it and it's super fun and you'll have a friendly face if you join." Mariana smiled at me.

Dinner was slowly coming to an end and Stef looked at my full plate and frowned.
"Amelia are you okay? You've haven't eaten a bite love."
"I can make you something else if you want?" Lena asked, practically ready to get up and start cooking something for me. "No no it's okay Lena, I'm just very tired. Is it alright if I take a quick shower and go to bed after?"
"Of course sweetheart." Stef and Lena said in unison.

I excused myself from the table and headed upstairs.


"Moms, is Amelia going to be okay? I know you said she has been through some tough times but I want her to like it here and be comfortable with us soon." Mariana asked her moms who were doing the dishes together. Jesus and Brandon have gone upstairs at this point in the night. "She's in a bad place in her life right now Mariana, we have to give her time to adjust here and soon she will be comfortable. Just be there for her if she comes to you to talk." Lena gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead. "Now why don't you go finish up some homework, huh?" Mariana nodded and started up the stairs. Stef finished drying off a plate and placed it in the cabinet.

"Lena do you honestly believe Amelia is going to open up to any of us anytime soon?" Stef asked her partner. Lena walked over to Stef and gave her a passionate hug and a kiss. "One can hope babe."


I let the piping hot water pour all over my body as I was quietly crying to myself. My bruises still hurt from the attack. The doctor said they might not even go away. I realize I've been in the shower for too long so I shut the water off and dry myself off with a towel and put sweats on. I walk into my room to find Lena putting my clothes into drawers.

"Oh sorry baby I just thought I'd help you out a little with unpacking."
"Why would we unpack my things? Its not like I'm staying here long."
Lena looked at me, confused. "Why would you think you're not staying here long honey?"
"Well, every home that I've been in, something awful ends up happening to me so its just bound to happen now." Lena motioned me to sit on the edge of "my bed" so I sat and as did she. She looked at me with concerned, maternal eyes. "You are safe here. You will always be safe here baby! This may seem overwhelming now but I hope it gets better for you."
"I'm just really tired, can I please go to bed?" I asked. "Of course sweets. Goodnight." She didn't try to hug me, considering what happened earlier. She left my room and closed my door.

I wasn't even tired. How can I try to sleep knowing something awful is bound to happen to me? Today was supposed to be an amazing day, like a new start for me. But all I can think about is how he beat me, screamed at me for crying, and did unbelievably horrible things to me that I won't forget for the rest of my life. I miss my parents. I miss my old life. I'm all alone in this world.

All this thinking suddenly made me exhausted. I got under the covers of my bed and tried to fall asleep. Hoping tomorrow will be a better day.

I was in the living room, packing up Amelia's file that Beth left for Lena and I, just incase we needed it. I put all of the papers in the folder when Mariana came in, startling me and I dropped the file.
"Jeez Miss Thing! You scared the crap outta me!"
"Sorry mom!!" Mariana said. "I was ju--"
Her eyes went right to the floor where she saw papers from Amelia's file.
"Mom, was Amelia raped?" She asked, trying to pick up the papers before I could get to them.
"Mariana." I started. "Amelia has been through so much. And yes, yes she was raped a little over a year ago. But love, you cannot tell anyone. This is very personal and Amelia does not know that me and Mama know. So please, just keep it to yourself." Mariana nodded her head, giving the papers back to me. "Is she going to be okay?" She asked. "Oh my love.." I said as I opened my arms. "We're gonna do everything we can so that she can be." She adjusted herself into my arms, hugging for a long time before she let go. "I love you mom." Mariana said, looking at me. "I love you too baby."


I can't believe Amelia has been through so much. It must be so hard for her to be here and be worried that it's going to happen again. I know mom told me not to tell anyone but I need to talk about this with someone. I unlocked my phone, opening the messages app and texted Lexi.

Mari : Hey Lex, u up? Need 2 talk :(
Lexi : Whatz up girl?
Mari : My mom just told me the worst news. Turns out that my new foster sister Amelia was abused and raped last year in her old foster home :( what am I going to do? I want her to love it here but im afraid to talk to her. I tried to hug her earlier this afternoon and she pulled away shaking..
Lexi : hmm.. Sounds to me that she has some issues :/ just give her space ! She'll come around girl!!
Mari : thnx for the advice <3 you rock lex
Lexi : luv u so much :)

I suddenly got tired, so I put my phone on my bedside table and started to fall asleep.

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