Chapter 11.

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sorry for yet another long time without posting! school is winding down for me so once summer hits ill be writing more and more! but for now, enjoy chapter 11! Feedback is necessary guys! i need to know how i'm doing :)

"Y-you think we should get married?" Lena was clearly flustered, she sat up and ran her hands through her hair in distress.
"Okay so you don't want to that's fine, perfectly fine Lena." I said defensively.
"No! No honey I'm just a little caught of guard!" She stopped me from getting up from our bed, she took my hands as she met my eyes. "Of course I want to marry you, are you kidding? You're my soulmate. But do you think it's the best time? I-I mean Amelia is going through so much with her case and we don't even know if she wants us to adopt her. I want to marry you when we are all a family, with Ami, and everything is right in our world." She kissed my cheek.
"You're right," I rolled my eyes jokingly, "It seems you're always right." We both laughed.

We returned to our books until we heard the lightest knock on our door and a head peaking in.
"Can I come in?" It was Amelia. It was clear she was nervous walking in.
"You don't have to ask sweets, what's going on? Sit down with us." Lena patted the spot between her and I so Amelia could sit between us.
"I was just wondering what happened at your meeting with.." She thought of the name, "Laura? Th-the lawyer?"
"Honey how did you know we were meeting with her today?" I asked.
"I heard you guys talking about it with the boys earlier."
I sighed and put my arm around her, "The meeting went well. But Lena and I want to ask you a question."
Amelia turned to Lena and then quickly turned back to look at me, "Wh-what is it?"
"Would you want Laura to set a plea deal with Patrick and his lawyers? It's pretty certain that they would take it, considering how much time he would be away for if he pled not guilty and was found guilty. It's a tough situation. Right now, he's pleading not guilty. But if our lawyers offer him a better deal, the plea deal, he will change to guilty."
I saw Ami's face turn pale, and fear was in her eyes, "S-s-so you mean he w-won't be away for a long time, if we say yes to offer them a plea deal?"
"It looks that way, baby." Lena said while rubbing Ami's back, then Ami flinched as a result. She was timid at every move Lena and I made to comfort her.
"I want him to go away for the rest of his life," She said forcefully, "My whole life, I have never felt safe. Being here, with everyone, I finally feel safe. And if he is away for good. I can continue to feel this way." She took a deep breath and said, "I don't want to offer a plea deal. I want to fight. I want to fight for my safety and my life. Too many bad things have happened in my life. I deserve some happiness, don't I?"
"Oh baby girl of course you do." I wrapped my arms around my daughter, her head resting on mine, Lena snuggled close against Amelia for a "mama-sandwich".

We all snuggled together until Amelia fell asleep.

I woke up around 9am while Lena and Ami were still sound asleep. I quietly tip toed out of the room so I wouldn't wake them and made my way to the kitchen.

As I was making a big breakfast for the family, Mariana walked down wearing her usual rob and slippers with messy hair. I turned around at the sound of her yawn and her pulling a stool out to sit.
"Mornin' miss thing!"
"Wait wait wait," She said suspiciously, "You're making breakfast? Since when does this happen?"
I laughed, "Oh someone's feeling extra sassy this morning! I never make breakfast because Mama always beats me to the punch, but she's still sleeping so I win this time." I filled Mariana's plate with eggs and bacon and she poured her own juice.

B and Jesus simultaneously came down a couple minutes after Mariana and sat down next to her.
"Whoa, mom's making breakfast? Am I going to need a trash can to throw up in after?" Jesus joked, causing Mariana and B to laugh.
"Is this 'pick on mom' day? Jeez you guys I can cook!"
"We know, we're joking!" B walked and put an arm around me.
"Ha ha." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh mom question!" Mariana raised her hand like we were in school.
"Since you and Mama let me go to the mall with Callie and Amelia yesterday, does that mean I'm no longer grounded?"
"Ha!" I laughed, "No Mariana you're still grounded. Mama and I only let you go because Amelia wanted to and she needed you. You will not be going anywhere for a while."
Mariana groaned and rolled her eyes, "Well for how long?"
"Mariana. You told private details about your foster sister's life. Do you think this grounding will be short lived?" I snapped.
"How many times do I have to apologize? I'm so sorry for doing that mom. I regret it every day."
"I know honey and we forgive you but this can't go unpunished. Now you know not to share private information." Just as I stopped lecturing Mariana, Lena walks in, "Good morning family." She kissed each kid on the head before getting to me and giving me a kiss. "Good morning my love." I replied.
"Where's Ami?"
"She's still snoozing," Lena answered pouring her coffee, "poor thing was restless in her sleep."
"She was? I didn't notice."
"That's because you're the world's deepest sleeper." She laughed.
I scoffed, "I am not!"
We were all laughing and chatting away until Ami tip toed in, still looking sleepy.
"Well good morning sweet pea we didn't even see you there!" I went over to my daughter and gave her a big hug.
She lightly chuckled, "Sorry I'm still a tiny bit tired. I really couldn't sleep because I'm really nervous about going to school tomorrow."
"Oh honey you don't need to worry about that." Lena came over to me and held my hand. "We switched your classes so those girls won't be in your classes and we talked with them and their parents after school on Friday. Don't you worry."
Mariana's phone chimed and she picked it up, seeing a text from one of her friends, "Oh! I almost forgot; dance auditions are tomorrow after school so I'll just catch a ride home with you Mama after school instead of going home with Brandon."
"That's fine babe, Ami are you going to try out?"
"Oh, I don't know." She sighed, "Is it, like hard choreography? I'm a little rusty."
"Ha! No you are not girlfriend. We have seen you and you, my love, are certainly not rusty." I cupped Ami's face in my hands which caused a giggle from her.
"Okay, okay!" She laughed, "I'll try out." We all applauded and cheered which caused her to start laughing even harder.

It brought me such joy to see Amelia laugh. I just hope the laughter lasts through the tough times.

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