Chapter 3.

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As Beth and I walk to the front steps and toward the door, the door swings open and two women stand in the doorway with big, yet comforting smiles.
"Hi! Come on in please make yourself at home, I'm Stef and this is my partner, Lena." Stef said. Stef had long blonde hair and was wearing a blue flannel and jeans. Lena had long, very curly hair and had on a flowery blouse with jeans and wedges.

"Hi Amelia, I'm Lena it is so nice to meet you." She grinned at me. I smiled but immediately looked to the ground.
"So why don't I give you a tour of the house while Stef and Beth talk for a bit?" Lena asked. She tried to make eye contact with me but I didn't let her. I nodded and we walked out of the hallway into the living room.
"So this is the main living room where we hang out and watch TV as a family." Lena explained to me. I tried to wrap my head around the fact that this family actually wanted me. Don't they know that I'm damaged goods? We walked in the kitchen to find three teenagers sitting at the island which was in the middle of the kitchen.
"Amelia, this Mariana, Jesus, and Brandon." Lena explained to me. There sat a short, brunette latino girl who was beautiful. "Hi Amelia! It's honestly so nice to meet you I am so excited you're living with us!" Mariana exclaimed. She reached out for a hug and pulled me in aggressively. I flinched and immediately pulled away shaking.

"Oh-oh my gosh I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that." Mariana said, trying to hold back tears, surprisingly.
"Um n-no it's okay, I just need to use the bathroom for a minute." I turned to Lena. "Where is it?"
"It's upstairs and the second door on the left, love."
"Thank you. I-I'll be right back."
I walked up the stairs and into the bathroom , immediately lifting  the toilet seat and collapsing over, throwing up and crying an ocean at the same time. This is all so overwhelming. What am I going to do?


As Lena was showing Amelia around, Beth and I sat down on the couch.

"How much do you know about Amelia's past foster homes?" Beth asked me.
"I know that she has been abused in one and possibly raped?" I replied.
Beth released a deep sigh, which worried me. Beth opened the file that was labeled A. Roberts.
"I have only been Amelia's social worker for a year now but these reports date back to when she was first put into foster care, which was at five years old."

My heart sunk. This poor child has been in the system for eight years.

I took a deep breath and let Beth continue.
"Amelia has been in four foster homes so far." Beth read from the file. "In her previous home, she stayed there for a year and it has been reported that she was beaten and raped by her foster father. It also was reported that--"
"Hold on just a minute Beth." I interrupted her abruptly. "She was raped and beaten for one year?"
Beth nodded her head.
"It was the system's fault, Stef. We didn't look into this guy's file enough to find out he was accused of sexual assault about ten years ago."
I looked at the file and flipped through the pages to find pictures of bruises all up and down Amelia's body. I choked up and tried to hold back tears.
Beth looked at me with concerned, saddened eyes.
"Amelia is a fighter Stef, she may seem broken and all alone in this world right now but I knew that if I brought her here to you and Lena, you two have the biggest hearts I know. You two have the ability to help her get through this."
I sniffled and nodded to Beth's response.
"She'll get through this. Lena and I will always be there for her. I promise."


I realized I wasn't even throwing up anymore, I was just sobbing into the toilet which was even more pathetic than puking. I don't know why this family chose to foster me. They have to know how damaged I am. I don't deserve to be in this loving family.

I sat down on the bathroom floor, quietly sobbing into the sleeve of my shirt when I heard a light knock on the door.

"A-Amelia? Are you okay in there love?"

It was Lena.

I stood up and pulled myself together as I flushed the toilet and opened the door to find Lena looking very concerned.

"Amelia, were you throwing up in there?"
"N-no, no I wasn't." I replied. "I'm fine I promise."
"Okay love well do you want me to show you your room?" Lena asked. "Since Jesus and Brandon share a room you have your own next door to Mariana's."

We walked into my new room and it was painted this gorgeous lavender color with a flowery bed spread on my queen sized bed.

"We asked what your favorite color was to Beth and she said lavender." Lena smiled.

I was in total shock. They did this all for me? This is all too much. Once they realize what happened to me, I'm gonna be gone.

"It's beautiful Lena. Thank you." I replied, trying not to get too emotional and attached to all of this.
"You're so welcome."
Lena reached in for a hug but I quickly stepped back.

"I'm so sorry, this family is pretty fond of hugs." She chuckled.

Just before I could reply, Stef walked in.

"Well Miss Amelia you saw your room! Do you like it?" She asked.
I nodded.

"It's really nice, yes." I replied as she pulled Lena in for a small side hug.

"Well dinner is ready, and if you want Beth can stay for dinner if it makes you feel more comfortable."

"No I don't think I'll need her." I replied to Stef who smiled as I said that.

"Well come on you two, I'm starved." She said to Lena and I.

I walked out of my room, very nervous and still overwhelmed to be in this family.

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