Chapter 5.

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It was just around 1:30am,  when Stef heard screaming and crying coming from a few doors down. "Lena, Lena baby wake up." Lena jumped up, hearing a scream and a cry once again. "Stef. It's Amelia. It has to be."
Stef and Lena both get out of bed and run into Amelia's room. There, Amelia was, shivering, screaming crying in her sleep, yet covered in sweat.
"NO! NO PLEASE GET AWAY FROM ME!!! HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!! HE'S GOING TO HURT ME SOMEBODY PLEASE SAVE ME!!" Amelia screamed and kicked in the air. Stef pushed Amelia's legs down from the air and pulled Amelia into her arms, rocking her.

Amelia was gasping for air. "Wh-who's there? Wha-whats happening?"
"Shh..shh. Its just us baby. You're okay. You're safe." Stef said, carressing Amelia's hair, holding her tight, Lena climbed next to Amelia, rubbing her back. Amelia was still shaking as she said , "I'm so so sorry I woke you guys. You can go back to bed. I-I'm fine."
"Absolutely not. We're staying here with you." Stef said. "Do you want to talk about your nightmare, love? Lena asked as she switched positions with Stef. Amelia took a deep breath. "It was about the attack." Lena looked to her partner, afraid to hear what is going to be said. "He was raping me again, beating me like he used to do every night. But this time it was different. He was stronger. Nobody caught him doing it this time. He just kept hitting me and hitting me until every inch of my body was covered in bruises." Amelia looks over to Lena, who was fighting back tears. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what it was about." Lena makes eye contact with Amelia, who was shivering and sobbing quietly. "Baby. That will never ever happen to you again, okay?" Amelia nodded as she laid on Lena's chest, slowly falling asleep. "Do you want me to take over? Stef whispered. Lena shook her head "No no, I've got this." Stef got out of the bed and headed to the door, kissing Lena on her way out.


Last night was one of the worst nightmares I've had in a while. All I can remember from last night is waking up to see Stef and Lena on either side, comforting me. I can't rely on them like I did last night. I can't get attached. They're gonna realize that I'm too much to handle.

When I woke up, I was alone in my room and realized Stef and Lena were downstairs with my "siblings". I rolled out of bed and trudged into the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face to get rid of the dry tear tracks that had stayed on my cheeks from last night. My hair was messy so I threw it in a bun. I walked down the stairs to the kitchen to see everyone sitting at the table eating breakfast.
"Hi sweets! Come eat, I bet you're hungry." Stef greeted me.
"Everyone is hungry for Mama's pancakes." Brandon joked. Everyone laughed and I sat down as Lena made me a plate of pancakes. "I hope you like chocolate chip." Lena grinned.
"Thank you." I grinned back, taking a bite out of the pancakes. "Wow." I said with my mouth full. "These are really good." Lena laughed. "I'm glad you like them!"

"B, don't forget you're having dinner with your dad tonight." Stef said, pouring coffee into her coffee mug. "Alright my loves, I have to go." Stef put the lid on her coffee mug and grabbed her bag from the table.
"Bye baby be safe." Lena said as Stef kissed her. Stef gave each of her kids a kiss on the cheek, until she came to me.
"It's okay, I don't mind." Stef laughed, leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Once breakfast was over, I went up to my room to get dressed for school. I decided it was best to blend in today so I put on dark washed jeans, my grey converse, and a grey hoodie. I straightened my hair, which didn't take long. I grabbed my backpack, the one that Stef and Lena bought for me, and headed downstairs to wait for everyone else to finish up getting ready.
After a few minutes, down came Mariana and Jesus, who were bickering on who is sitting shotgun on the way to school. Brandon followed the twins, rolling his eyes as he heard their conversation.

"Mariana, this is bull you sat in the front yesterday! It's gonna look stupid if you see a tall, handsome guy like me sit in the back." Jesus said, walking towards the door, practically ready to sprint to the car to claim his spot in the passenger seat. The bickering continued for a good five minutes and Brandon whispered to me "This is what happens when people are immature, you and me are the only normal ones in this family, kiddo." That made me crack a small smile, but then instantly remembering that they'll realize that they won't want me soon.

Jesus and Mariana were still bickering about riding in the front seat until Lena came downstairs. She let out a loud groan.

"Are we really arguing over who is sitting in the front seat? Come on guys how old are you."

I let out a light chuckle, and Lena noticed. "Amelia will sit in the front, just to shut you guys up." She winked at me.

We arrive at Anchor Beach, and parked the car in Lena's reserved vice principal spot. We all file out of the SUV and as Mariana, Jesus, and Brandon go inside, Lena pulls me aside.

"So your homeroom is room 102 and the teacher will give you your schedule, okay?"
I nodded. She held my hands and met my gaze. "If you need any help, please don't hesitate to come to my office, alright love?"
"Okay." I said.
We both walked inside the school and she brought me to my homeroom. "Okay" she sighed. "Have fun and I will be in my office all day if you need me." She stroked my hair and gave me a loving smile and was on her way.

I walked into homeroom 102 and went up to the teacher who was sitting at the desk.

"H-hi. I'm Amelia Roberts, I'm new here."
"Oh! You must be Ms. Adams' foster child! I'm Mrs. Carroll." She exclaimed. Every student in the room looked up at me as my face turned as red as a tomato. "Yes, yeah I am, she said you had my schedule for me?" Mrs. Carroll rummaged through her huge stacks of paper until she reached my schedule. "Ah ha!" She laughed. "Found them! Here you go hon. There's an empty desk in the back and you can sit there until the first bell rings to head to your first period." She handed me my schedule and directed me to the empty desk.

As I sat down, a group of three girls came over to sit near me.

"Hi! I'm Olivia, and this is Caroline and Hannah." She pointed to two other girls who sat down as well.
"Hi.. I'm Amelia Roberts." I fake-smiled at them. Why are these girls talking to me? Ugh.
"Oh we know." Caroline said.
"You have been the talk of the school already." Hannah quickly followed.
I looked up and met eyes with each of them. "Why?" I questioned, biting my lip anxiously.
"Well, word travels fast when the newest student is a little slut who cried rape about her foster father." Olivia said as she was making a smirk to her other friends.

My body went numb. How do people already know? I can't believe people actually think that I cried rape. Who told people about this?

My face got red as my eyes filled with tears.
"Aw! Did we make you cry? So, so sorry Amelia." Hannah said sarcastically. I quickly gathered my things, dropping books and papers in the process as they laughed at me and I ran out of the room. I stormed down the hall, unaware of where I was going. I kept walking until I found an empty closet. I dropped my things on the floor, collapsed on the ground and sobbed. The only people that know about this is Beth, Stef and Lena. Who else knows?

It has been two hours since homeroom. I already missed first and second period. I didn't care. I wanted no part of this place. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door, causing me to flinch and shake.

"Amelia..? Sweetheart it's Lena. Open up please." How did she find me? I slowly opened up the door. She looked at me and took a big sigh.
"Honey what happened? I saw on the attendance sheets that you weren't in class." I took a deep breath before sobbing once again, falling into her arms.
"Oh baby girl.." She stroked my hair and pulled me closer. I was sobbing uncontrollably that I could barely breathe. She held me closer as she walked me down the hall, and into her office. She let go of me so that I could sit on the couch. She kneeled down in front of me, placing one hand on my knee and another on my face, stroking my cheek.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" She asked, still kneeling in front of me.
I had calmed down a little, but still crying. I took a deep breath and began to tell Lena everything. I told her how the girls knew about my rape and their names. Her eyes widened when I told her that they said that I cried rape. "Amelia you know that that is NOT true." She told me.
I nodded. "I-I know that, I do." I reassured her. "But how did those girls find out?" I questioned, choking up and ready to let it all out again. "I don't know baby." She pulled me in her arms. "But we're going to find out. I'll make sure of it."

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