Chapter 17.

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hi everyone! this is kind of a short chapter but i want to get to the good stuff soon so just stay with me!! hope you enjoy :)

"Amelia and Riley, how is your project of an animal cell coming along?" Mr. Sears came over to my table where I was sitting with my new friend Riley. Riley has been a really good friend to me lately and I can tell we are getting closer.
"We're almost done Mr. Sears! Just some more finishing touches so it'll be ready for Friday." Riley replied.
"Awesome girls, great job." Mr. Sears left our table and went along to the next group of students.
"Hey Riley, would you want to come over after school Tuesday to finish the project? I have dance tryouts for me and Mariana's new team, but after that you can definitely come over." I asked.
"Sure! And could I also try out for the dance team? The other team is kind of bitchy." She laughed.
"That would be awesome. And I know. Those girls only care about the image of their team. Not the ability." I replied. Biology class went by fast and so did the other five classes I had for the day. I had to meet Lena in her office so we could drive together to Laura's office and meet Stef and Callie there. I knocked on Lena's office and I heard her tell me to come on in.
"Oh hi lovebug! You ready to go?" Lena got up from her desk chair to grab her car keys and jacket.
"I'm never really ready. But I guess we can go now." I laughed lightly.
"You really hate going, don't you love?" She put her arm around me as we walked out of her office.
"Five more days and it'll all be over, hopefully. I just don't like talking about it that often."
"Well I think it's good to let out your feelings, right?" She turned her head to meet my eyes.
"I guess you're right." Lena pulled me a little closer to her as we walked, it was like she was trying to protect me.

We made it to Laura's office and Callie and Stef were sitting in the waiting room. Stef was still in her uniform because she had came from work and Callie drove from school.
"Hello officer Foster." Lena winked at Stef who then gave her a peck on the cheek and a few moments later Laura came out of her office.
"Hello ladies, good afternoon!"
"Hi, Laura." Stef and Lena said one after the other.
"You must be Callie, so nice to meet you." Laura reached her hand out to shake her hand.
"Hi, yeah nice to meet you." Callie replied.
"So I was thinking I would meet with Callie first and get all of the information from her and then we can all sit and talk about Saturday?" We all nodded our heads to Laura as she motioned Callie to step into her office.

Stef, Lena, and I sat in the waiting room, each on either side of mine, and both holding my hand and stroking it. They must know that this is the last place where I would ever want to be.
"How was school today love?" Stef asked me which caused me to move my head from staring at the clock to meet her eyes.
"Oh, it was okay. Went by pretty fast."
"Are you excited to have Riley over tomorrow?" Lena chimed in.
"I mean we're only working on our biology project, but it's nice to have a friend other than Mariana." I laughed slightly.
"Well I'm sure your new dance team will have you making friends in no time." Stef winked.
I went back to staring at the clock, watching the seconds pass by, wishing time would go faster and I could leave this depressing office. I stared and stared for what seemed like an eternity, was only 10 minutes.

I watched Ami stare at the clock and her eyes looked tired and run down. I ran my hand through her hair and she yawned.
"You tired, love?" Lena asked her.
"No, no I'm fine." Amelia reassured her, following another yawn.
"What time did you fall asleep last night, huh?" I rubbed her back and she yawned even bigger than the one before.
"I think 2am. I'm sorry, my mind was restless." She met my gaze and looked a bit guilty.
I tapped my shoulder and she looked at it with confusion, "Take a little rest, bug." She rested her head and was asleep within seconds.
"She was exhausted, Lena." I whispered so I wouldn't wake her.
"She's sleeping with us tonight. I don't want her staying up late with her mind running."
"Good call."
Laura and Callie were in the office for the next twenty minutes and soon, they walked out, Callie looking sad. With my arm around Ami, I rubbed her arm to wake her, "Amelia, love. Time to wake up." I kissed the top of her forehead.
"Oh, oh my gosh sorry." She said groggy, "Didn't sleep well last night." She laughed and as did we.

"So after my talk with Callie, I think that we have a good chance to put Patrick away for assault and rape, if Callie is willing to testify, of course. And the anonymous texts that were sent to Amelia from most likely Patrick." Laura sat at her desk with the paperwork in front of her.
"I have a lot of work to do but it will all be over soon, right Ami?" Laura winked at Amelia, who was still exhausted.
"That's what I'm hoping." She yawned. I took that as the cue to get going.
"So you will call Lena or I if you need anything?" I rose from my chair and the ladies followed.
"Yes of course. Thank you guys so much for coming in and I will see you Saturday." Laura shook my hand and Lena's as well. We all walked out together and Callie went to her car after saying her goodbyes to us.

"Wanna ride with me, honey?" Stef rubbed my arm after we said goodbye to Callie at the lawyer's office.
"Sure i'd love to."
Stef wrapped her arm around me and we headed to the car after telling Lena that we'd meet her at home. I climbed in the front seat of the cop car, causing me to feel nervous and uneasy, which Stef could pick up on.
"Don't like cop cars, huh?"
"They make me a little nervous." I took my left hand and rubbed it over my right forearm as an anxious tick. Stef took my left hand from my right forearm and rubbed my hand with the back of her thumb.
"You never have to be nervous with me, yes?"
"Okay." I let out a half hearted laugh. We were a couple minutes before we got to the house and Stef's hand was still grabbed onto mine.
"What made you want to be a cop?" I asked. The question had lingered in my mind the whole ride home and I really wanted an answer to it.
"Well love, I wanted to be able to protect people. Not just our family but everyone I encounter." Stef replied as she pulled into our driveway.
'That's really cool mom— Stef. That's really cool Stef." I immediately opened the passenger door to leave the awkward situation I had gotten myself into when I felt a hand pull me back into the car.
I had the most embarrassed look on my face. Not only did I call Stef mom, but it felt normal when I said it. It shouldn't have felt normal. While I want all of this to be permanent, I know it's not going to be.
"I'm sorry." I confessed, looking down at my feet, still in the car.
"There is no need to be sorry, baby. If you want to call me mom, by all means call me mom. It would make me the happiest woman in the world." She gave me a sincere smile that caused me to give one back.

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