Chapter 6

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I let Amelia stay in my office all day, just so I could keep my eye on her. The poor thing was so exhausted that she fell asleep in my arms. I calmly let go of her, laying her down on the couch and pulled a blanket over her. I made my way over to my desk, sat down and pulled out my phone. I dialed Stef's number and it rang and rang until she picked up.
"Well hello my love. What's up?" She answered.
I cut right to the chase. "Who did you tell, Stef?"
"Lena, what are you talking about?" Stef said, sounding confused.
"Three girls came up to Amelia during homeroom, tormenting her about her rape, saying that she is lying about the whole entire thing." I explained.
Stef did not reply for a little while.
"Oh my god, I'm going to kill Mariana." Stef finally blurted out.
"Did you tell her?!" I practically screamed into the phone, causing Amelia to shift a little in her sleep.
"Lena. She saw me with Amelia's file and-and she started to look at them. I'm so so sorry, I told her not to tell anyone, God I can't believe she did this."
"It's fine, Stef. Amelia just took it very hard. We are going to have a long talk with Mariana about this when we all get home." I said.
"You got that right." Stef scoffed. "How is my baby? Is she alright?"
"She is taking a nap in my office now, I'm not letting her go to any classes today. I need my eye on her." I said, smiling at Amelia sleep soundly.
"Do you want me to come pick her up? I think sleeping in her own bed would do her some good, I can leave early from work its slow here."
"I think that's a good idea Stef thank you." I sighed.
"Okay love I'm on my way. Love you."
"Love you too Stef."
I hung up the phone and went over to Amelia. I gently rubbed her arm until her eyes opened.
"Hey, Stef is going to come pick you up so you can get some sleep in your own bed, is that okay?"
"Yeah that's okay, thank you Lena. Fo-for letting me sleep here. I just didn't want to go to class with everyone staring at me." She said groggily.
"No worries honey. And I promise you I'm going to get to the bottom of these rumors." I said to her, stroking the side of her face.
My poor Amelia, life really has been so hard for her. All I can hope for is that she lets Stef and I in.
Stef knocks on the door as she enters.
"Hello my loves!" Stef says to Amelia and I. Stef comes over to sit on the couch, with Amelia sitting in the middle.
"You ready to go home sweets?" Stef said to Amelia.
"Yeah, I'm so exhausted." Amelia answered with a light chuckle.
Stef and Amelia got up and Stef grabbed Amelia's backpack for her. They headed out the door but Stef quickly turned around to give me a quick peck on the cheek. "Love you." Stef said.
"I love you too." I said, closing the door as they left my office.


As Stef and I left the building, I was feeling a bit dizzy so she offered to hold my hand. As we were walking down the hallway towards the front door, Brandon came out of the boys bathroom.
"Hey, what's going on? Is everything ok?
"Uh Stef is taking me home." I replied. "I'm not feeling too well."
Brandon came over and gave me a hug. "Aw, I'm sorry." He sighed and looked at Stef. "Let me know if there is anything I can do, I'll have my phone on me so just text me if you need to."
"Will do B. Thank you." She quickly kissed him on the cheek and he headed back to class.
We made it to the car and I quickly let go of Stef's hand when we saw the three girls by the picnic table.
"S-Stef." The words stuttered out of my mouth in complete terror.
"What's wrong baby what's going on?"
I pointed to the girls who were sitting at the picnic table, eating their lunch, and laughing at whatever was so funny on their phones.
"Look at me love." Stef said to me, trying to connect eyes.
All I could do is stare at the girls who ruined my first day of school and making me think of that terrible time in my life.
"Amelia, love please look at me."
I met her gaze.
"You do not have to worry about them, okay? You will not have a problem with them anymore." She said to me, with a maternal "mama bear" look in her eyes. I nodded my head and gulped, trying not to break down again.
Thankfully, Olivia, Caroline and Hannah didn't see me get in the car with Stef. We were on the road back to the house when Stef broke the silence.
"Do you want to talk about what happened today?"
"If I have to." I said, biting the side of my lip, hoping I won't have to relive today. Stef chuckled. "Babe you don't have to if you don't want to but I want you to talk to me. I want you to be comfortable with letting me in." I sighed. Why do they want me to get attached? I'm not going to be here for long.
"It was just so humiliating. That's all." I finally spoke out.
"Mam-- Lena and I will get to the bottom of it, I promise you. Whoever told these girls about your past will get in a lot of trouble, as will they." We pulled into the driveway and I got out of the car slowly, still dizzy. We got into the house and Stef offered to cook me something, she knew I didn't eat much today.
"I'm really not hungry Stef, just tired." I replied.
"Ok love, but if you are please let me know I make a mean grilled cheese!" I laughed.
"Could I hang outside for a little while? I need fresh air."
"Yeah yeah of course, I'll be right in the kitchen if you need me."
"Thank you."
I sat at the big outside patio table and just felt the breeze go by, brushing my hair around a little. I close my eyes and try to relax and put my mind at ease. Today was an awful day obviously, but the gentle breeze in the air put the sad and angry thoughts out of my mind for a little bit. I wasn't the "girl who cried rape", I wasn't a foster kid. I was just Amelia. And that's all I want to be.

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