Chapter 21.

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hi amazing readers! sorry this was later than expected, but enjoy!

"Hey, boys. How was school? Where are Mama and the girls?" I asked my sons as they came in from school.
"They have dance practice so Mama is driving them home." Jesus answered and Brandon nodded in agreement.
"Oh, right. Did you guy see Ami at school today?" I looked up from reading my magazine and saw Jesus chomping on potato chips.
"Hey, bud go easy, will ya? You're going to ruin your appetite for dinner." I requested.
"My bad.. And oh, I did see her a couple times in the hall. She seemed okay. Like not sad or anything." Jesus answered, slowing down on the snacks.
"Good, good." I replied. I was apprehensive sending her to school today because of the trial results over the weekend, I didn't want her being overwhelmed. The boys went upstairs to get started on their homework and I ended up getting lost in my own thoughts. When would be the right time to ask Amelia if she would like to be adopted? I wanted to officially call her my daughter more than anything in the whole world, I just feared that she might be hesitant saying yes because she is scared of losing us or wanting something too much and it not happening. Thinking about this brought me back to the conversation I had with Lena last night.

"Hey love?" Lena asked me as I was reading a book on my tablet.
I looked over to her and raise my reading glasses to put then on my head so I could see her beautiful face. "What's up, babe?"
She sighed deeply before continuing, "So I've been thinking, maybe tomorrow night, when we tuck Amelia in for the night, we could ask her if she would want to be adopted? She has finally opened up to us more, calling us 'Mom' and 'Mama'. I just really think she would say yes. What, what do you think?" She looked at me with those breathtaking brown eyes, with a sparkle in them. It was truly clear that she wanted this. I grinned from ear to ear and pulled my partner in for a passionate, loving kiss. The kiss felt like the both of us were on cloud nine. I guess that's what happens when you kiss your soulmate.
The kiss ended and she chuckled, "I guess that's a yes, then?"
"Of course we should ask her. I cannot wait to see her face when we ask her." I giggled and pulled Lena in for a hug and she fell asleep in my arms

My thoughts were interrupted when the doorbell rang. I walked to the front door to open it and saw a woman standing there. She had her hair pinned up in a messy ponytail, ripped jeans all over the denim, simple converse sneakers, and a leather jacket, as if she was in a biker gang. She was chomping on a stick of gum obnoxiously and was antsy standing there.
"Hi—Uh, Amelia here?" She asked impatiently, peering her head into my home. My body language caused her to step back, as if she knew that I was annoyed by her presence.
"Hi, can I, uh ask why you're asking for my daughter? do you know her?"
The brunette rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Your daughter? That's funny." She then laughed and I was getting red with anger.
"Okay, who are you and why are you standing on my door?" I demanded to know who the hell this woman was.
"I'm Veronica. Veronica Roberts?" She looked at me with bugged out eyes, thinking I should know who her name is. I pondered for a second until my eyes widened and I realized who she was.
I stepped forward with protective eyes and stared her down. "What. The hell are you doing here?"
She stepped back with her hands up and laughed in a bitchy tone, "Whoa... Just here to see my daughter. And I'm not leaving here until I get a chance to talk to her."
She pushed me to the side and sat herself down on the couch and sighed in comfort. She was clearly nothing like her biological daughter. This woman was a bitch.
I scoffed and pulled out my phone to call Lena.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Uh, hi. We have an issue.. Amelia's birth mom just showed up at our door." I confessed. Silence took over the phone for a few moments and I continued the conversation, "W-when are you going to be home? I really don't trust myself alone with this woman." I quietly spoke into the phone.
"I'll be right home in a few minutes. Please don't do anything stupid."
"I'll try. I love you." I responded.
"I love you too." She hung up the phone and I placed mine in my back pocket and walked over to Veronica who was reading a magazine that was placed on our coffee table. I was so ready to beat the shit out of her just for being disrespectful in my home.
"My, uh partner will be home in a few minutes. We will decide whether you can speak to Ami or not." I demanded and sat myself down across from this woman, arms crossed, with a scowl placed on my face.
Veronica's eyes widened when she heard me say the word "partner" and she laughed in disbelief, "Wait a minute, you have a partner? Like..a woman partner? And my daughter is staying in this house?" She stopped for a minute to laugh as if something was funny, it clearly was not to me.
"Let me remind you. You left Ami. At five years old. She has been in foster care for eight years. You don't have any rights anymore. Lena and I are her mothers. So if you want to have any sort of relationship with our daughter. You better start realizing that." I stood up, ready to beat this bitch into pieces when Lena stormed through the doors, in a panic.
"Hi, uh, you must be..." Lena reached her hand out to meet Veronica's.
"Veronica. Veronica Roberts." Veronica shook Lena's hand and smiled, which Lena returned.
"Why don't we all..just sit down and talk this out, yes?" Lena walked over to sit on the loveseat next to me.

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