Chapter 23.

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hi readers! thank you so much for all of the views. im so grateful :)


Life without Ami in the house was somber and heartbreaking. It took so many times to make Stef and the kids smile on a daily basis. Even the kids would break down in the middle of dinner or breakfast, just so full of sadness that she was not living with us anymore.
It has been a month in a half and the mood did not change. Everyone was still upset, including myself. I wondered if she was okay, safe, happy. So many questions lingered in my mind. Did she miss us? Was she actually happy at her new home? Were her parents being nice and loving to her?

My thoughts were disrupted when Monte came into my office, looking distressed and lost.
"Hey, Lena? Got a minute?" She asked as she was standing in my office doorway. I nodded to her question and she walked over to sit in the chair across from my desk.
"How are you doing?" She asked.
"Oh, we're getting by. As well as we can." I chuckled lightly. "What do you need?"
"So I was contacted by Brandon's music teacher, he isn't playing in the class. He isn't participating, and his teacher is failing him, which won't look good on his Juilliard application.." She handed me his file with his grades. All of them are D's and a couple F's. This surprised me to my core. Brandon has always been passionate about his classes, especially in music. What was going on in that boy's mind that he wasn't concentrating on the most important course to get him into his dream college?
I sighed and rubbed my head to attempt to cure my headache. "Thank you, Monte. I'll sure to talk to him.. Hey, why don't you send him to my office, please?" I asked.
"Of course, I'll call him down." Monte left to go to her office to call Brandon down. As I waited for Brandon, I called Stef. Stef has been cold and not herself lately, and much of it is because Amelia is was not living with us anymore. It made her sad that she could not do anything to change Amelia's mind. The cop in her truly thought that there was something more to the story, something Ami was not telling us.
"Hi, what's up Lena?" Stef answered. Again, she always used to call me pet names. But not anymore.
"I just wanted to, uh, tell you that Brandon is failing his AP music class."
Stef groaned through the phone, "Wha-Are you kidding? Why? The kid loves that class."
I replied, "I don't know. I'm thinking it has to do with Ame .. Maybe .. I really don't know. But, um, he's on his way down to my office to talk so I can call you after to fill you in."
"It's kind of busy here. We can talk when we're home. Okay?" She said coldly.
"Oh, um sure. I love you, baby." I responded.
"Uh love you too." and with that she hung up the phone.
Why was Stef so cold towards me? Why is she so angry about our life? Why is she taking her anger and sadness about Amelia on me? I was always there for her to talk to but lately shutting me out was something she was constantly doing, and I was not having it.

"Mama?" Brandon then opened the door to my office, "You, you wanted to see me?" Brandon walked into my office and sat himself down.
"Hi, B. Yeah I, uh did want to see you. Do you know why you're here?"
Brandon pondered for a second then shook his head, "Not really, no."
"You're failing AP music, bud.." I handed him his file so he could take a look at it for himself.
Brandon's face did not change as he saw his grades, "It's not a big deal.."
"You..You don't care that you're failing probably the most important class for your college application?" I looked at him with disbelief.
"Well I have time to get it up." He shrugged his shoulders.
"It's the end of April, love. You don't have a lot of time." I told my son.
"Whatever. Again, it's not a big deal." He shrugged his shoulders yet again, as if he knew it was bothering me.
"Is, is something wrong? .. B?" I asked him.
"No, no i'm fine. Can I go to class?" He asked impatiently.
"I'm not sure I believe you, but sure." He attempted to get up from his seat, but I stopped him.
"Hey. We're not done with this conversation. Me you and mom are talking about this, tonight. Yes?" And he nodded his head. I told him to go back to class and he did. I sat in my office chair and quietly sobbed. Staying strong through tough times was a job I was very good at. Keeping positive and looking at the bright side of things, but now, it was impossible. I missed my Ami girl so much. I miss her long brunette hair, and her beautiful, beautiful green eyes. Her hugs could cure cancer, they were that powerful. I missed how she would nuzzle her head into my chest when she had a bad dream and needed the comfort that Stef and I gave her. It killed me to think that she wasn't happy here. I hoped and hoped that she was happy with Veronica and Daniel.

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