The Island of Kyoshi

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As team Avatar was flying Katara faced Godspeed and asked "So GS, what exactly have you done as a hero?"

"Well I have saved my world three times already from different threats. The first time was a alien attack searching for a powerful relic. Me and my team of heroes stopped them before they could take any more lives or hurt our planet."

"You mean people died" Katara says surprised.

"Unfortunately yes, we tried to give what the aliens wanted in peace, but human rulers had other ideas. Since I was so busy to trying to save everyone I forgot my own family. A villain called Brainwave showed up and captured my parents along with my sister. Though he had help from a speedster in black with blue lightning. I tried to outsmart him, but then another speedster showed up in a yellow suit. He had red lightning and red eye lenses. He looked straight at me and said and I quote "Not fast enough Flash." Pressed a detonator to activate a time bomb trapping my family behind a force feild. I managed to save my sister, but not my parents. They died right in front of me and I couldn't save them."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know," Katara says sympathizing.

"It's fine. I try not to make a big deal of it. Anyways that lead me to change time and undo their deaths. I managed to do that, but then other things changed. If I didn't stop things the world was going to have WWIII. I tried to save the world, but the man behind it all was none other than that yellow speedster."

"Wait so the yellow speedster was behind it? Who was he" Sokka asks.

"A man named Eobard Thawne. I defeated him, but he had no recollection of killing my parents. That's where I realized I may have created him in that timeline until a friend I made shot him down in cold blood. As far I know he is dead. After which I changed things back and two more villains appeared Portal Master and Level Upper. They created chaos on numerous worlds till me and my team stopped them. Every world affected has dubbed it the Crisis  event.

Right now I have them locked up on Earth 1. Even with Portal Mater behind bars he still had portals leading to other worlds scattered across mine. I went to close them up till I fell through one and brought me here, and that's how you all found me."

"Wow, that's a great story" Aang says.

"You must've been through a lot though" Katara says.

"I have, and I say it's been far from perfect."

"Hold on, how exactly did you get your powers though" Sokka asks.

"They were created by a smart man Tim Drake. Said he practically chose us to be heroes and gave me and a thousand other teens their powers. I never really had a choice."

"That sounds like me. You live your life as happy as you could be at the air temple. Next thing you know you're told you're the avatar" Aang says.

"If you don't mind me asking, you said you changed time? How can you do that?"

"If I run fast enough I can break a barrier that allows me to travel through time. I can go forwards or back, however far I want."

"You couldn't go back and save our mother could you" Katara asks.

"I'm sorry Katara, but that's absolutely out of the question. After what happened when I tried to save my parents I can't do that. If changing something like your mother's death could effect your worlds timeline there's no telling what could happen. The outcome could be much worst than whatever problems you already have now. That's why I have vowed to myself never to interfere with the past that could have serious  consequences to the timeline."

Godspeed turns around facing forward to avoid eye contact. Katara sat in disappointment as she stared at Godspeed wishing that there was some way to bring her mother back.

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