The Visionary

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The next morning the sun rises as it's golden rays hits Aang's face. He wakes as does Appa. Katara soon wakes up after as she looks at Nigel and Sokka.

"Should we wake them" asks Aang.

"Na, let them sleep a little longer" says Katara.

As the two of them start packing up Momo scurried around as he crawled on top of Sokka as Sokka wakes up. Sokka started talking, but he was sounding weird. Katara walks over to see he had a fever. As she tried to being Sokka's temperature down she started feeling sick as well. Nigel wakes up to see the two siblings feeling under the weather.

"What's going on" Nigel asks.

"Sokka has a fever and Katara seems to have caught it too" Aang says.

"Oh, that's not a problem" Nigel says.

He grabs them both by the hand as a green glow traveled from his hands through theirs. The glow traveled through the veins of their body as the last of it moved to their head as their iris colors changed to green briefly before returning to their normal brown. Katara stands up feeling more energetic better than what she was before. Sokka also feeling better felt like he could fight for days.

"What was that" Katara asks.

"It's my healing factor. It keeps me from getting sick, keeps my body healthy, and regenerate any part of my body at a immensely fast rate. After messing with it I learned I could also transfer it to others help them heal. It doesn't last long though."

"Did you get hurt before? Is that why you know you can regenerate" Sokka asks.

"It was when I was in battle on my Earth. I got caught in an explosion* and knocked me out. When I woke up I was missing half my arm. I screamed as my power activated for the first time as it regenerated my arm back." *Read Godspeed Chapter 9 Running out of Time

"I'm sorry you had to go through that" Katara says with sympathy.

"Thank you Katara. It wasn't pleasant, but at least I know now. But I would never try to put myself in that situation again."

After traveling a few hours the group take a rest break by a river. In the river a fish kept hoping out with a weird expression. Sokka took this as offensive as he said the fish was taunting him. As he goes to grab his fishing rod he noticed the wiring missing.

"What happened to the fishing line" Sokka asks.

"Sorry, I used it to make something" Aang said.

Sokka then goes in the water to get the fish himself. Aang was working on a necklace for Katara to replace the one she lost. As he was finishing it up he Nigel took the opportunity to present something to Katara.

"Katara, I made you this" Nigel says.

Katara looked to see it was a hand crafted necklace made of animal skin and a flower attached. Aang seeing this hid his away. Katara excited pits the necklace on as she showed it off to Nigel and Aang.

"What do you guys think? Do I look good?"

"You or your neck" Aang says flustered.

"You look great Katara" Nigel says.

"What did you make for me Aang" Katara asks.

Embarrassed and nervous that they had the same thing Anng says it's nothing and that it could wait till later. They hear a noise as Aang keeps on top of a rock to see a platypus bear attacking a man. Nigel transforms as he says "I got this."

He runs over as he shoots fire at it scaring it away. The man says "Thank you, but it was under control. Not to worry. Aunt Wu predicted I have a safe journey."

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