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Nigel and Aang continue to fly on Appa to the North Pole. Aang feeling worried about their friends asks Nigel "Did we do the right thing? Leaving them behind to find their dad?"

"I don't know buddy. I hate to leave them behind too, but they deserve to see their father. I'm sure if things turn out we'll see them again in the North Pole. They know that's where we're headed, so we can wait for them a few days and see if they show up."

"Yeah, I guess your right" Aang says.

Momo climbs onto Aang's shoulder and does his lemur cooing. This cheers Aang up as he scratches Momo on the chin. Miles away in the distance Zuko was following the two with June's shirshu. Below deck he had Sokka and Katara locked away in a cell on the ship. He left June and headed down there as Sokka and Katara looked at him with crossed faces.

"What do you want" Katara says.

"I want to know if you can confirm the Avatar is headed straight for the North Pole" Zuko asks.

"Like we would ever tell you" Sokka says.

"Doesn't matter, I know he needs to learn waterbending. Since he's not with you I don't need this anymore. I believe this belongs to you" Zuko says holding out Katara's necklace.

"My mother's necklace" Katara says in shock.

"I found it back at the rig in the rubble. Thought you like to know" Zuko says as Katara grabs the necklace from him. He walks away and heads back up to the deck.

Zuko walks up to June as he asks "How are we looking? Are we close to the Avatar yet?"

"Hard to say. If he's flying his scent is high up in the air and Nyla would only be getting the faintest scent. Also since we're out at sea the wind is blowing pretty nicely. The Avatar's scent is more than likely scattered. Unless he heads towards land tracking him will be hard."

Zuko growing frustrated keeps his calm and says "Well do the best you can. I must have the Avatar."

Later that day Nigel saw the sun was setting. Knowing it be night soon he advises Aang that they find a place to rest for the night so they all could get some rest. As night had fallen Nigel and Aang had fallen asleep. Nigel was feeling uncomfortable as he slept kept tossing and turning. In his sleep he was dreaming, but everything was in a haze. It looked like the North Pole, but everywhere he looked it was black and white. Amonst it all he could see a blue light source. It was Aang in the Avatar state, but suddenly he dissapeared as everything slowly began to fade into dark. Nigel ran to where Aang was as he shouted "AANG!" He voice echoed as the darkness consumed him.

Nigel awoke from his sleep to see it was still dark. He looked over to see Aang was still asleep laying against Appa with Momo in his lap. Nigel went back to sleep as he waited for day break.

Zuko on his ship was resting when Nyla started acting strange. He was getting a scent off of Aang as he went and woke up June. Zuko too woke up as he said "Does he smell something."

"Yes, I believe he has the scent of the Avatar. He's probably stopped for rest somewhere up ahead on the coast" June says.

"Turn this boat towards the shore. The Avatar must be near" Zuko commands. The ship begins to head to shore as the sun began to rise.

With morning soon approaching Nigel and Aang got ready and continued on with their journey. By the time Zuko and June arrive they were are already miles away. During their flight Nigel experiences another hazey vision as he saw the silhouettes of Katara, Sokka, and Aang being sucked into a portal as they screamed. They all dissapeared to who knows where. Nigel snaps out of it as Aang asks "You okay back there? You zoned out for a minute."

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