Siege of the North Part 1

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It was quiet in the North Pole as Godspeed was meditating on the ground. He breathed in and then breathed out as he took in the refreshing cold air. He could hear Sokka out in the distance as he was trying to get to know Princess Yue. Feeling off about her Nigel tried to focus again, but was interrupted by Paku teaching waterbending to his class. He could hear Katara as she had just won another duel. Paku noticed that neither Aang nor Godspeed were actually paying attention so he asked Godspeed "Have you feel like you mastered waterbending Silent Guardian?"

"I have" Godspeed responds confidently.

"Then demonstrate your skills against Katara."

Godspeed stands up and gets into position as he motions for Katara to make the first move. Katara bends up some water and quickly dashes it at Godspeed and he quickly bends the water right back and motions up to the air as he freezes Katara 8 feet in the air.

He bends the ice turning it back to water and back into ice again as he makes an ice slide as Katara slides down. She slides across the ground as she tries to gain balance and stops right into Godspeeds arms. Her faces layed across his chest as she bushed and stepped back.

"Thanks" Katara says.

"Your welcome" Godspeed says as he gets back into his meditation position.

Paku looks to Aang as he says "Aang, have you mastered waterbending."

"I wouldn't say mastered, but check this out" Aang says as he bends some snow off the ground around his body look like a snowman. Momo leaps onto Aang's head as some of the snow falls off. Katara and Paku look at Aang with unimpressed faces.

Sokka on the other hand was with Princess Yue. He was telling his usual Sokka jokes and stories as Princess Yue laughed. She then stops as Sokka asks is something wrong. Princess Yue reveals she is to be married and being around him is to confusing. Sokka not understanding says that they can just be friends, but the Princess reveals that she likes him too much and it be best to keep their distance. She begins to run away as she stops to see black snow in the air.

"What is this" Yue asks.

"It sut mixed with snow. I've seen it before. The firenation is approaching" Sokka says.

Out on the horizon a ginormous fleet of firenation ships were approaching. Black snow appeared everywhere as Katara and Aang looked in shock. Godspeed opened his eyes as he waited for this moment. Out in the water Zhao and Iroh were standing on the leading firenation ship.

"This will truly be one for the history books, General Iroh. Just think, centuries from now, people will study the great Admiral Zhao, who destroyed the last of the Water Tribe civilization. You're lucky you're here to see it."

Iroh being tersely says "Be careful what you wish for, Admiral. History is not always kind to its subjects."

"I suppose you speak from experience, but rest assured. This will be nothing like your legendary failure at Ba Sing Se."

"I hope not, for your sake."

"Tell the captains to prepare for first strike" Zhao says.

Iroh walks away down to the interior of the ship. He finds Zuko still disguised as a Firenation soldier.

"We'll be landing soon. Do you have a plan?"

"I'm working on it Uncle."

The two walk away in their separate directions. Back at the Northern watertribe Arnook has gathered the entire tribe as he speaks about the oncoming threat.

"The day we have feared for so long has arrived. The Fire Nation is on our doorstep. It is with great sadness I call my family here before me, knowing well that some of these faces are about to vanish from our tribe, but they will never vanish from our hearts. Now, as we approach the battle for our existence, I call upon the great spirits. Spirit of the Ocean! Spirit of the Moon! Be with us! I'm going to need volunteers for a dangerous mission."

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