The Storm

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Team Avatar was asleep near the beach side as Aang was dreaming. He imagined he was flying on Appa as Sokka was flying using his glider and Momo was giant in size flying along side. Then the sky grew dark as Gyatso appeared before Aang asking "Aang. Why did you abandon us?"

Aang woke up scared as did Godspeed before realizing he was seeing Aangs dream through telepathy. Katara waked up to see Aang shaken as she asks "Did you have a nightmare again?"

"It's nothing" Aang says.

"What about you Nigel" Katara asks.

"No, just woke up from my sleep."

They all head back to sleep as daylight broke the night sky. They began packing as Katara noticed they were out of food. They all get on Appa and fly to the nearest market as they look around for food. Katara comes to a food stand as she inspects watermelon. She shook it to hear swishing as the lady selling tries to tell her that swishing was a sign that the watermelon is ripe.

Nigel looks at the watermelon as he uses his X-ray vision to look inside all the melons to see they all were hollow with melon juices inside. He looks to Katara and shakes his head no as Katara says "Well we're out of money anyways." Katara then set the watermelon back on the food stand.

The lady upset grabs the basket of food Sokka gathered as they walk off. With no food or money the group stand together as Sokka says "What do we do now?"

"You could get a job Sokka" Katara says.

As they look around a old man is about to go fishing as a woman chases after him.

"Please don't go. There's going to be a terrible storm" the old lady said.

The old man didn't understand why she kept bothering him about a storm as there was no wind, no clouds, perfect weather. Aang feeling anxious says "Maybe we should find shelter."

"From what" Sokka says.

The old lady goes on about how her joints were aching and how it was a sign for bad weather. Nigel knew that people's bodies reacting to the weather was something he heard, but never seen in action.

"We should heed the woman's warning. We need to find some shelter to stay in just to be safe" Nigel says.

"Well I'm not going fishing with you" the old lady says.

"Fine then I'll find someone who can and pay them double" the old man says.

Sokka immediately says "I'll go" as the old man says "You're hired."

The rest of the group stand by as Sokka prepares to go out sea. As they do Nigel stares out into the water as Katara walks up and asks "What's on your mind?"

"It's been a minute, but I know Prince Zuko is still on our trail. I'm just wondering how far out he is from catching us" Nigel says.

Out at sea Zuko and his Uncle were out on deck as his Uncle says "There's a storm approaching."

"What, your crazy. There's not a cloud in sight Uncle."

"It's coming from the north."

"Well north is where the Avatar is headed and so are we" Zuko says.

"We should change course for everyone's safety" Iroh says.

"No we stay on the trail" Zuko says as the Lieutenant walked up to the deck hearing what Zuko said. Zuko walks over and stares him in the face as he says "Capturing the Avatar is more important than anyone's individual saftey."

"He doesn't mean that" Iroh says excusing Zuko.

Time passes by as they eventually come across a blanket of storm clouds covering the sky.

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