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Jia's pov.

I checked the watch. It was past 3 at night, "Oh god," I was late for home, but I could do it, there was no sign of Lisa Unnie to come and take my place at duty, I checked the area outside while peeking through the glass walls. It's quite dark outside, and No passer-by, I sighed and sat on the chair idly swaying it around, 

My mind again went up to the previous thoughts, Why do they have to be so cruel to me, I want to continue studying, why do they have to be so strict, even If They just pay the rent of My apartment and academic fees, they still have to cut off my rent, just because I crossed eighteen and I earning, I just get few dollars to fill up my bills and other expenses and I am literally starving from the last few months, My College expenses are increasing and  I am running out of money.

My Uncle and Aunt are not that kind to give me enough money and now they have refused to pay my rent, they told me that their daughter wants to be admitted to Korea National University, So they can't pay my rent from now onwards and I have to pay it on my own, I also want to study in Korea National University that's why I am studying so hard and saving every single penny. even though I had to starve myself, I did not even remember the last time I had my proper meal.

Only if My parents were alive did I not have to spend my life like this, I would have never been forced to earn for my expenses, it was a dream of mine to be a full-time student. But This Time I need to be stronger for a better future for mine, Just this month I will survive with difficulties, I rub my hand on my stomach stroking it softly. "bare with this time, I will make sure to give you a huge treat at the need of this month." I talked with my tummy which had been squeezed because of my less eating and more work.

ThnakfullY I have completed my assignment Now All I have to do is go home and jump under the duvet and hug my teddy, close my eyes and take a pretty nap because I can't call it a slumber because I have to wake up at 6:30 and reach to the collage which is at least forty minutes away from my house, I am saving money So I walk the distance without taking a bus.

where is Lisa Unnie?" I said to myself while tapping on the floor anxiously, I had packed my thing a long ago, Jennie and Jisoo unnie left a long time ago, and me being the cashier it was my duty not to leave until my place was taken by my co-worker that is Lisa, I wish I did not refuse jennies Unnie request when she told me that she will stay with me till Lisa came buT I refused politely because she looked tired.

Speaking of Lisa, I saw her coming while laughing with someone On the phone, I squeezed my eyes glaring at her, she noticed me and mouthed a sorry, she then showed me the caller ID, It was her mom, I sighed not disturbing her more, I gather my things, I swayed my bag on my shoulder, I bent down in her direction kissing her near her eye, she gave me a sweet smile as she waved me a bye, she took her seat at the cash counter, I gestured her asking for Rosé unnie as it's her time of duty as well, She shook her head not knowing about her. I gave her a curt nod, taking my leave.

I forced my little legs to move faster, the alley was dark, I walked hastily toward the left side to switch the streets to walk home earlier, I was walking faster when I heard a manly groan, I stopped on my track getting startled, how came anyone be here, at this time in this abandon side of the alley, where is no sight if any lights.

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