Hugs and Cuddles

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Getting off the bed, First thing I did was to wash up change into something comfortable, last night I stayed up whole night to study for the exam, I looked at the clock, I still had three hours before the exams, walking to my study table I place my butt on the small chair, I took my notes our randomly going through some equations. I am trying my best to pass the exam with good grades.

I stretched my arms, I have studying this for an hour without any break, I cracked my necks, letting out a sigh of relief, my eyes were getting heavy but I restricted myself from sleeping, I went in the kitchen making myself a coffee in hot water, I chugged it in one go while making my uniform ready for the school, 

Slipping into my uniform, I gathered the things I needed for my exam, I locked the house, getting out of the building, walking toward my school, Today I thought of taking the bus, I have not used Jungkook shi left money till yet and Now I am thinking of using them because I am in utter need of money. I recharged my card with his money, getting on the bus, I sat on the last seat, I still had almost half an hour before reaching to school, I had a small note of formulas that I forget so I was revising them,

Some other students of my school also get in the bus, spreading here and there. the announcing for the station was made, making my collect my things and get off the bus, I strode toward the school gate, looking at the building of the School, I let out a shaky breath, checking in my ID I went in to take my exam.


After almost three hours of me fighting with a paper sheet, I came out of the examination hall, I walked past the school corridor toward the main gate, I keep on brushing my hair backward regretting not putting them in a pony tail, instead I just braided them messily, I took a sharp turn to leave but abruptly stopped when someone stood in front of me, I was startled by a sudden presence.

I looked upward to see Hanuel, My classmate. He is rich and handsome, last year his girlfriend was class president but suddenly the rumors spread that he had crush on someone that lead to the breakup in between them, I don't feel bad for anyone of them because the class president was not in good terms with me, because she thinks that I am arrogant what's why I does not like to talk with them, but It was just that I simply don't find interest in those talks, 

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