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Jia's Pov.

Jimin-shi tossed the bottle on the wooden table and it landed on Lisa unnie, The sudden applaud made me flinch,  I looked at Jimin clapping his hands, I then turned my gaze toward Jungkook shi who had the same startled expression as me, While sitting beside Jimin shi, Lisa then rolled her eyes, " Keep it, low dude, We don't want other to wake up." Lisa's unnie voice reached my ears like a whispered scolding. 

" This duck-lipped man can keep his excitement to himself, Isn't it Jimin?" Taehyung Shi spoke making Lisa unnie to crack peels of laughter and I was not able to hide my small chuckle, I placed my hand on my mouth to cover myself from showing all my teeth, and then my eyes landed on jungkook who had his lips parted and he was staring at me continuously made me nervous as well as wonder is he zoned out.

I then shifted my trembled gaze away from his dark eyes and looked at Jimin who was completely annoyed and had his eyebrows slightly raised giving taehyung a stern glare to which TaeHyung Shi responded by placing his huge hand, I mean huge, his hand was even bigger than Jungkook shi, He placed his big hands-on jimin shi's face totally hiding his face with his palms and squeezed his face. Jimin Shi immediately pushed his hand away with a loud growl obviously not liking the way Taehyung Shi did to his face, but then he cracked his neck and fixed his eyes back at us.

I was looking at them awkwardly, Lisa cleared her throat also awkwardly the same way as me. Jimin also straightened his posture, " ok, Lisa your turn to choose the chits." Lisa unnie then looked at the total seven chits on the table, she fiddled with them with her fingers and picked a light brown one, she swiftly opened it and read the sentence on it aloud. 

"Never Had I ever Gone on a date with no intention of paying and playing."

Jimin Hyung picked up the soju shot in a small glass and chugged it all in one go, Lisa Unnie did the same, while, I,  jungkook shi and taehyung shi remained fixed in our position. Just then Lisa Unnie dropped the shot on the table. " Let's add one more thing, We need to explain the reason why we did not take a shot and why did we take a shot." Lisa unnie spoke as she licked her lips slightly. 

" I don't have any problem with that and so is----" Jimin Shi spoke with a cheeky eye smile and then turned toward the guys on either side of him, taehyung shi had a neutral face while  Jungkook Shi shrugged his shoulder giving his consent as well, Thye then turned toward me making me nervous I played with the material of my sweatshirt and nodded my head slightly to let them know I also did not have any problem with it as well.

"OK, Jimin's turn to speak." Taehyung Shi spoke in his deep voice that ran a chill down my spine every time he spoke like this. I then tore apart my gaze from my lap to look at the boys in front of me. " Yeah I went on a date with a girl just because I was hungry and wanted some full-course meal, she was pursuing me for a long time so I went on a date with her."

Hearing him Lisa unnie burst into laughter while I just kept a small smile on my face looking at the empty glass in front of me, I felt like someone continuously staring at me. I gulped my saliva I was getting a lot of feeling that it was Jungkook Shi who was gazing at me like I was the weirdest thing on earth. " I dated many girls intending to make them my girlfriends but all were useless and after that, I have been into dating lately." Taehyung Shi explained and now the turn was of Lisa Unnie. " I am a girl So I mostly went on a date thinking that I would not pay." Lisa gave the most logical reason with a small bumping of her shoulder.

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