Chapter 1 : First Day Back

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A/N: So obviously I've started a book. I felt like I needed to express a few things and I had no where else to go but to turn to writing. Funny how something so simple can cause such an impact on you emotionally. I'd love your support and please if you like it vote for it.

Chapter 1 : First Day Back

It had been the first week into the new semester. I was now a senior. Thank God for that fact, because I couldn't wait to head off to college and leave behind me this pathetic excuse of a life.

As I made my way down the hallway throughout the crowds of loquacious and occupied teenagers just emerging from various classes my head tilted downwards, a method of shielding my face from them with my oversized hoodie. My heart began to pick up. They weren't suppose to be out yet were they? Did I spend longer than necessary in the bathroom?

According to the last bell of the day, school had been dismissed not even a minute ago and I was fully aware of what happened after school to me.

I went over to my locker, frantically shoving my textbooks inside. I walked away briskly from the loud commotion the children were making. I fixed one of my bag straps that fell off my shoulders and pulled my grey hood further over my head.

There's no way they'll get me today, I thought with sheer confidence before bursting through the front doors of the large building and headed straight for the my house that was in a fair distance.

I released a breath of relief thanking the big man upstairs for what I planned worked. I had asked the teacher to go to the the toilets five minutes before class had finished. There was no doubt in my mind she was going to turn me down like many occasionally did and I was right. I didn't bother heading back to class but instead prepared to go home but unfortunately I really had to go. If you know what I mean. So I ended up wasting my time peeing and that explained why I was behind on schedule.

It was a twenty minute walk home from school and vice versa. I was probably the only senior who didn't own a car or some means of independent transportation to carry them to school.

Though, I didn't really mind. I enjoyed walking home in the nice sunny weather with the cool breeze blowing across my face, whipping my hair back. It gave me me some type of therapeutic release.

I breathed in the salty air, courtesy of a nearby beach and I could feel myself relax.

These moments were rare for me. That was mainly why I enjoyed walking home - this was the only time where I could gain a little well deserved peace and had a break from my life for just a moment. A couple minutes. Twenty minutes.

I gazed down at my silver wristwatch and saw that I had been walking for ten minutes so far.

Leona, my step mother, thought it unnecessary for me to own a smartphone. She put forth that I had no friends or anyone to call me, so why should I get one? She was right...kind of.

I had no friends. I was just that quiet girl in the corner of the room, who slouched in her seat due to uncontrollable poor posture with her hoodie covering her face. As far as status went I wouldn't necessarily classify myself as a teacher's pet but it was something close to that. They favored me a lot. Sometimes I wondered if it was pity. Meh, I wouldn't be surprised if it. Intelligence was something that came naturally to me, so that could be a reason. Me holding a straight A profile and all.

Residing in the City of Angels famously known as Los Angeles, California my family consisted of my step mother, step brother and my two step sisters.

My step mother's name was Leona as I had mentioned earlier on. She was what one could simply describe as the scarily perfect reincarnation of Cruella De Vil. Only sad thing was, she didn't torment a bunch of dogs but me instead.

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