Chapter 13 : Preparing For The Return Of Medusa (Part 2)

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Emily Rudd to the side or top if you're on your mobile app. She plays Sirina. Beautiful ain't she?

Chapter 13 : Preparing For The Return Of Medusa (Part 2)

As I entered the house the first thing that greeted me was an ear piercing scream. I dropped the brown paper bags of groceries and sped throughout the house to the source of the voice.

I made it upstairs where I saw Natasha's bedroom door wide open and I heard rather loud voices speaking.

"Nat, I can explain everything if you just-"

"Explain everything? Siri you can't just expect me not to react the way I am for what you did!" I heard Natasha yell and as I got closer I caught sight of her and Sirina standing in the middle of her room. An angry expression adorned her face while a frustated one covered Sirina's.
"That's just it I didn't do anything, he did!" Sirina retorted.

Natasha just scowled at her walking closer up into her face. "Oh, so you expect me to believe my boyfriend of almost two years hit on my own sister!" She screamed and Sirina flinched.


Collin hit on Sirina?

I looked from Natasha to Sirina from my place at the door my mouth hung open.

What the hell was going on?

"I can't believe you'd believe that sad mistake of a boyfriend and person over your own flesh and blood," Sirina finally got out her eyes noticeably welling up with tears but obviously Natasha disregarded that for what she said was:

"I can't believe I'm related to a sad mistake of a person and sister like you," After spitting that at Sirina who looked like she'd been physically slapped she marched away without even another glance at her.

Her steps faltered a bit as she took sight of my frozen figure but she scoffed and bumped me to the side storming down the stairs but still, I was gazing at Sirina.

The tears have finally began slipping out of her eyes as she stood in the exact spot, unmoving.

After getting over my initial shock I walked over to her. She glanced up at me and felt nothing but sympathy as she gazed up at me with nothing but glossy eyes.

"Are you, are you okay Sirina?" I hesitated.

She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out and she struggled and tried again and she finally uttered the words making me know that whatever she and Natasha were arguing over Sirina wasn't at fault here. "She believed him over me,"

You could see how hurt she was and her face expressed it along with disbelief.

"Take a seat Sirina," I offered and when her stiff, robotic figure made no motion to do as I said I pulled her by the arm making her take a seat on Natasha's big white bed.

"I...I can't believe she took his side over mine," Her voice cracked. At least she was speaking. That was a good sign. Well, more of a hopeful sign.


"Carr, she took his side over mine." She said as a sob escaped her mouth. It was the first time she'd call me that in years and I knew what it meant.

*the same year Carrie's dad brought home his new wife and children*

"Sirina what are you doing?" I asked my step sister as she began climbing the old orange tree we had in our yard.

She looked down and shot me mischievous smile. "Just you watch," She giggled when I gave he a panic filled expression as she advanced higher up in the tree.

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