Chapter 43 : Smashing Attempt

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Chapter 43 : Smashing Attempt

I stared up at the plain white ceiling. My body refused to let me sleep.

Presently, it was a week now. A week since I've been kidnapped by Sonya and Olivia. Shocking, I know. It was most certainly the worst week in my entire life. They have starved me, beaten me, cut me and diminished my self pride.

They were worse than Leona...and that said something.

I absolutely hated how weak they made me feel.

I still couldn't believe that Olivia was in on this. She seemed genuine, so kind.

Many things had been revealed since I've been here in this confinement of a room that made me feel suffocated to no end.

Olivia was apparently Olive's twin sister, that girl that committed suicide because Alex didn't return her love, and was now out for revenge. She took me with cruel intentions of torturing me to get back at him; to hurt somebody he finally loved severely.

During the first few days of being here I had spunk. I spat in their faces, bit down onto Sonya's lip anytime she attempted to kiss me and head butted Olivia to no end but now my ferocity had died and was replaced with that oh so familiar feeling of fear. Being slashed, kicked and punched continously could do that to a person, make them into an obedient dog.

I was crying now.

Buckets full.

Hands trembling, running throughout hair, cheeks rosy and knees shaky.

I couldn't take this anymore and thoughts of never getting out of here filled my soul with dread.

I was hopeful that Alex would find me but alive? I wasn't so sure about that now.

I imagined him holding me in his arms whispering sweet nothing into my ears.

I recalled the morning after our activities that had me worn out when he had devoured me into a blissful state, so close to heaven.

"Where are you going?" I mumbled against Alex's bare chest as I locked my arms around him tighter.

The early morning light shone through the windows dimly, puffy grey clouds scattered across the sky a sign that rain will most likely fall later on.

Alex chuckled and returned to his sleeping position beside of me tugging me to him. His eyes trailed down my exposed skin that was only covered by a big t-shirt that had ridden up during my slumber. I shivered under his lustful gaze.

"I wouldn't mind seeing that every morning." He hummed placing a quick kiss to my forehead referring to my naked self.

I dug my head in the crook of his warm neck as I felt my cheeks beginning to burn.

I giggled as he suggestively wiggled his eyebrows and lightly bit down onto the skin at his neck. He stiffened at the act, hands encircling around me as he propped himself onto both elbows gazing down at me.

I gave a lame attempt at rolling my eyes since I was still clouded with sleep. I brought my hands up to his shoulders gripping them as I used all of my strength in maneuvering our bodies so I was the one on top, straddling his waist.

He folded his hands behind his head comfortably as his eyes wandered all about my face.

A long time ago I would've felt very self conscious but by the way he was looking at me made me feel like the most beautiful person in the world.

I brought a strand of hair behind my ears and he followed the action with soft eyes.

Placing his hands on my hips slowly he smiled. "I love you."

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