Chapter 29 : That WTF Moment

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-Mama's back ma babies! Haha! Oml and she's more pumped than ever, ready to make some jaws drop. Here's the awaited chapter, thanks for being patient.

"Surprises- some people love 'em, some hate 'em. But the truth about 'em is that they're what makes life a little more exciting." - Tumblr

Chapter 29 : That WTF Moment

So being kissed by Alex for the second time and so spontaneously in the rain made me feel like I was living any lovesick teenage girl's dream. I felt like I was in some romance movie. I swear it was the absolute best. The downfall to it however wasn't.

"I can't believe you got us both sick," Alex groaned looking over at me from the position he held on my living room couch. His black hair was all disheveled and gorgeous face contorted in pain.

"I said I was sorry. You didn't have to run after me you know." I sneezed.

"I know," He coughed into his blanket looking up at me through his long lashes intensely. I understood the meaning behind it. He was saying that he didn't have to but yet still he did, out of his own free will.

I bit my lip blushing as I looked down at my bowl of hot soup.

"Both of you guys are idiots." I scowled as I looked at Ed.

I didn't know why the red head offered to take care of us if he was going to be such a nuisance and give us hell for going into the rain. He was behaving as if he was both mine and Alex's mother.

"Shut-" *cough* "the hell-" *cough* "up Ed." Alex struggled to say and I felt terribly guilty to know that I was the reason for him being in this position. But I had to admit, seeing his nose all red and his cheeks flushed he was extremely cute. Too cute.

"I don't take heed to that when you can hardly mutter the words in the first place dumbass." Alex glared at Ed but kept his mouth shut as he drank his soup. He spat it out almost instantly.

"What the hell?! Did you use gym socks and your dirty ass underwear to make this!" He sputtered.

"Hey! That's my mom's secret family recipe you're talking about there." Ed reacted.

"Secret recipe? What is she trying to do, kill everybody in your goddamn family?! This tastes like shit."

"That's insulting. You don't have to be such an asshole. You're lucky I even made this for you so drink it and stop being such an ungrateful wuss!"

Alex's eyebrows quirked upwards as he smirked, "I'd rather go back in the rain."

With a frustrated screech the red head flew up off the couch. "Fine! Be that way! If you're gonna insult my mom's culinary skills you can take care of yourself! Bastard!" The upset boy marched out the room and I heard the front door being slammed shut.

I looked at Alex expecting some kind of remorse or guilt but all he said was, "What skills?"


So it was now Sunday. Specifically the day my 'family' and I go on a trip with my boss'.

Fortunately, Alex and I both got better from that godawful cold we caught. The recovery was surprisingly quick but we didn't complain for the pain we felt was giving us hell. I think it was because of the soup Ed made us that I forced Alex to drink, I guess his mom's skills weren't so bad after all.

Alex left not long after saying that he had somewhere to be. I didn't question him on it. With a kiss on the forehead he bid me goodbye.

"You finished packing?" Sirina's voice asked as she entered my room. Brought out of my thoughts I looked up at her nodded.

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