Chapter 12 : Preparing For The Return of Medusa (Part 1)

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Chapter 12 : Preparing For The Return of Medusa (Part 1)

I was at the supermarket. Why? I was doing some last minute grocery shopping that I had put off and since Medusa--Leona was returning home tomorrow I couldn't procrastinate doing the task any longer. So I grabbed the cash she gave me before she left for her convention out my drawers and went straight to the task. Living in L.A. had it's advantages. Everything you needed was within a fifteen minutes drive or a twenty five minutes walk.

So here I was strolling down the aisle of Joanna's Supermarket on a Saturday afternoon with my normal hoodie clad self and a bored mood.

"Celery check. Cheese check. Sirina's favorite box of cereal check also..." I skimmed through the neatly written list of products to buy I made and went over it in case I had missed anything.

"Oh shoot! I forgot the steak!" I also had to prepare dinner as usual and tomorrow was no exception. I was thinking about cooking some steak glazed over with my special secret sauce. No it wasn't some liquified thing to use to poison Leona. Though that did sound quite appealing...

Stop joking around and let's go get the meat, I rolled my eyes at myself and her sick idea of a joke.

Who said it was a joke? She shot back seriously.

I stopped dead in my tracks and my eyes widened comically at that.

Aw, don't be such a wuss, I'm just messing with you.

You better be, crazy section of my intellectual organ that I didn't know existed.

I finally found the area where all the different types of meat were stored and as my hand outstreched to take up a plastic packet of steak someone else's also did resulting in both of our hands coming in contact with each other. I jolted my hand back when my fingers brushed against the stranger's and a tingly feeling traveled up my entire hand.

"Monroe is that you?" A familiar voice questioned. I could hear that voice from a mile away and oddly enough could still make out whom it belonged to.

I glanced up and saw Alex staring down at me with a his lips turned slightly downwards.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned after clearing his throat.

"Grocery shopping as you can see," I gestured to the stacked trolley I had been pushing positioned beside of me.

"Obviously," He scoffed making me frown a bit. "I meant what are you doing here, alone?"

"It was my day to do grocery shopping," I said quickly. Too quickly.
"You're lying." He stated flatly and if I knew any better, out of boredom. I didn't say anything but I did do an analysis of him.

Though wearing his usual dark clothing something was different about him. I don't know. Something about the way he was talking and the way he was looking at me at the moment told me. And with the unwanted churning that was taking place at the pit of my stomach that made me nauseous and wanted to puke I knew.

"Are you done?" He snapped sarcastically bringing me from my reverie referring to me staring openly at his profile.

"Y-yeah. Um, I" He rolled his eyes at my stuttering.

"If you're not going to answer my question and continue being a stammering idiot then I'll just leave no?"

I felt as if he just smacked me in the face. Oh and let me tell you I knew the feeling well enough to compare it to how I felt at the moment after processing Alex's words.

He obviously saw how hurt I was and a look I knew the Alex I knew would have overtook his face. He stepped forward towards me but I didn't allow it taking a step back.

"No, I'll leave." I said and he opened his mouth to talk but I continued. "I'm sure you have better things to do since I'm just a 'stammering idiot' who is obviously taking up too much of your precious time." I said trying not to show him how hurt I was by his words.

I turned to walk away but his hand reaching out and tugging at my wrist stopped me.

"I didn't mean to call you an idiot, I just got carried away. I shouldn't have knowing how you take everything to heart so much,"

I looked at him in disbelief my mouth open as he awaited my response. "That's seriously all you have to say for yourself?" He looked at me in confusion and I scoffed at him.

"You're a jerk you know that?" I snapped feeling a lump form at the back of my throat. I ripped my hand away from and grabbed my trolley strolling angrily out of sight, this time he didn't stop me.

I didn't know why I behaved like that but all I knew was that I could take an insult from anyone, everyone else but when he just did it I felt like crap. No, scratch crap. I felt much worse than that. It felt like the worst insult aimed at me and after it being fired, the piercing of the gun's bullet, his words, had me speechless as it penetrated me with a sharp and sudden yet painful blow, tearing me apart.

On top of that he had the nerve to slightly degrade me saying how I took everything to heart, which was true but still, he didn't have to say it like such douchebag.

'Got carried away' my detrás. I scowled as I replayed what just happened between us and I couldn't believe he said what he did to me. Though I shouldn't be surprised he's mean to everyone else around him what would be the difference with me?

Even so I just thought-

You just thought what? The voice in my head interrupted angrily.

That he would somehow think of you differently from the others? For God's sake Carrie when are you going to get it through that thick skull of yours that no one likes you and no one ever will?!

I whimpered at her harsh but true words.

I sniffled pathetically as I held the two bags of food filled products as I made my way over to Sirina's car that she had the decency to let me borrow. I knew how to drive from the age of sixteen all I needed to do was actually own a car.

Why do you think I built your defenses so sturdy and tall? She began again.

Definitely not for some wannabe Prince Charming to come and break them down and save you like some damsel in distress. You need to realize Carrie that whatever I tell you is for your own good. It. Is. The. Cold. Hard. Truth. Whether you like that fact or not I don't care but how much pitiful can you get by crying over a guy because he called you a stammering idiot! God Carrie how weak are you?!

She was pissed but so was I.

I placed the grocery bags down beside me as I got into the blue Subaru and started it up wiping away my tears that had blurred my vision.

I placed my hands on the steering wheel staring at nothing in particular.

The voice in my head was right. I was being weak.

Of course I'm right!

I rolled my eyes at her but carried on with my thoughts.

Why should I make a boy be the cause of my shedded tears. It wasn't like I had never heard worse insults. His was nothing-

Then why are you behaving as if it's something? Another voice challenged.
My brain froze and so did my entire being.

Why was I behaving like this?

Why did my heart constrict as I replayed the words that flowed out of Alex's mouth with not a care in the world.

Why...why was I hurting?

"I...I don't know," I finally uttered.


Click this -- ☆ -- at the bottom of your screen if you liked this chapter or if you agree with me in wanting to decapitate Alex's head from off his shoulders for making poor Carrie cry. *smirks evilly*

Love goes out! :*

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