Chapter 35 : That's My Boyfriend

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Credits to Tumblr for the 1st poem. The rest are all me.

Also, my little penguin is to the side :)))

Chapter 35 : That's My Boyfriend

"It's n-nothing."

He cocked an eyebrow at me. "Nothing? Let's read shall we?"

"Mirror mirror on the wall. I just want to be thin, pretty and tall."

He began void of expression when I failed to speak any other words.

"Mirror mirror if I change my hair maybe someone will start to care,"

"Alex-" He cut me off with a louder voice.

"Mirror mirror if I starve myself I'll be beautiful, forget my health."

He takes a deep breath seeming shocked and hurt together.

"Mirror mirror if I cut my wrist will I feel as if I exist?"

"You can't read my stuff-"

"Mirror mirror don't you see? What you show is killing me."

He looked me in the eyes giving me a smile but it was as cold as ice and caused chills to run down my spine.

He looked down at the journal and I quickly gathered that he was going to read from it again.

"You can't do that that's my private stuff!" I screamed running up to him a surge of rage flowing through my veins. My blood was practically boiling.

How dare he?!

He raised the book higher using his height to his advantage.

I looked at him as he gazed down at me.

"It stopped being private the moment you left it laying on your bed wide open like you did." He said harshly and I glared at him.

"If you think for one second that I'm actually going to stand here and let you read my, and again private, thoughts like that you've got another thing coming mister." I snapped poking a finger onto his hard chest.

His face went to the side as he shook his head and when he turned it back around before I could blink both my hands were brought above my head pinned by his hand.

I groaned as my back came in contact with the wall then shot him a glare as he gazed down at me.

"Just watch me."

I gazed in his eyes that had been leveled trying to figure out his goal for doing this. I didn't have to explain anything to him; I didn't owe him anything.

His other hand that held my journal skipped to a different ink covered page.

"DEATH ambushed me and my family.

Frightened and surprised we were at the aftermath of it that left us frozen like statutes.

We eventually melted out of shock and accepted the reality but we were and never will be able to be thawed on the inside.

Cold looks, distant eyes and curt replies were all I became accustomed to.

I hid my feelings away, still do, not being able to share it with anyone because of their pitiful looks or professional but not personal eyes that caged me into a leather chair as if I was some kind of animal.

I didn't want sympathy.

Truly I had no idea what I wanted, I mean I still don't - except for all this to be some kind of sick twisted dream that I was having because I ate too late in the night.

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