Chapter 22 : Warnings

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Carrie is now officially played by Indiana Evans :))) Her beautiful face is to the side. As I have said before if you don't appreciate me choosing someone for a particular character just picture the people as you like.

Chapter 22 : Warnings

Alex and I made our way to his car with our belongings in his hands. He had offered to carry my bag for me unlike he did the last time and I think that was all because of the ten (actual) push ups that he forced me to go through with before we left. Prior to that nightmare we just sat and talked about how he ended up in this particular environment.

He left me in absolute astonishment when he openly spoke to me about it.

He began his story start when he first moved to California. He
was fourteen years old at the time and he had no friends and was just beginning high school as a Freshman. He didn't have anyone that wanted to be his friend right away and that he honestly felt completely out of place in the school environment.

He said he always liked going to the beach and collecting seashells, that was a hobby of his. One day while doing this he came across the boxing center and was genuinely intrigued by it. He wanted to go inside but he was too small.

"I always wanted to see what a place like that looked like and to have it so close, just right in front of me, I couldn't let the opportunity slide." He said. So effectively being the unsurprisingly cunning boy I knew, even at young age, he snuck inside the building.

He described how he felt as he stood there gazing at the posters like how I did but of course they were different...everything was different he said. "It was the most thrilling thing I had ever done. It created this kind of satisfying power surge within me that I couldn't ignore." Were Alex's reminiscent words.

Unfortunately and very humorously though he got caught. But not just by anyone, by Demetri.

"The guy didn't have half the amount of muscles he did then but his face alone scared the living shit of me, it was like he was thinking of a million ways to kick my ass back through the front doors." I laughed at his words as he rolled his eyes and this act between us continued throughout most of his tales.

From how Demetri actually pardoned him, after he pleaded to him of course. Couple years later Alex was still drawn by the idea of boxing and he initially took it upon himself to learn the arts of it.

"It was a great sport to learn but it was even a better stress reliever," Alex shared with a pained look.

I still couldn't quite wipe that expression out of my memory and had a fear it would forever be branded into my brain.

We wrapped up our little conversation and here we were now heading to get something to eat because we were both starving.

"So what do want to have?" Alex asked as he drove down the street I wasn't paying attention to. My mind was on all we had done today and what he shared with me. I couldn't help but feel special, just a tiny bit, by all he had told me about his past...and willingly at that.

"Oh. I don't know actually, surprise me." I mumbled still feeling distracted but tried not to seem to be as I turned my head towards him.

"How about a diner?" He asked.

"A diner?"

"Yeah, I know this little one not far from here." He nodded.

I bit my lip nodding telling him okay.

"The diner it is then."


Was this what heaven felt like? I was pretty darn sure I thought as I scarfed down another spoon of the delicious food I was having. I moaned as the flavor began spreading across my taste buds while Alex just sat there looking at me like I was some starving child from a foreign country who had been deprived of any food for months. I tried my best to ignore him and continued eating but him being him had to make a comment.

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