Chapter 3 : Deliciously Entertaining Dinner

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I picture Carrie's outfit as something like this to the side^^

Chapter 3 : Deliciously Entertaining Dinner

"Hey. Hey. Hey! " Someone yelled startling me. I jumped up from my sideways position eyes opened wide staring at Justin who wore a scowl onto his face. "Why were you sleeping?" He demanded.

When my eyes found his I squirmed under his gaze. Crap, I fell asleep. At the moment I wanted to dig a hole and bury myself inside of it. I didn't know why the feeling of guilt overcame me.

"I...I'm sorry, it-t's just that I was already a little tired and I wasn't aware of my eyes closing for that long of a period to fall asleep a-and I'm sorry if I made you wait. That wasn't my intention at all-"

"Woah! Whoah! Carrie it's okay!" A voice cut my frantic ranting off.

I turned to see Ed and his eyes were warm gazing at me. If I wasn't in the situation I was in I would probably blushed at the way he was looking at me. I also noticed Alex in the mix beside Ed but I ignored his curiosity filled eyes.

I sat upright and I heard someone gasp, Ed. I was puzzled.

"What?" I inquired, still confused looking at him.

He pointed at me shakily, "Y-you a-and you-ur's-"

My hands flew up to the top of my head. My eyes widened. There was no hood over it. I instantly pulled over the uncovered hood over my head freaking out on the inside. Gosh, if Leona found out about this! She'd kill me! She said it herself. Not sure if she was being serious or not, but I put nothing past her.

I turned to look at Justin. He had a look of surprise dancing on his face. I was stunned because Justin never wore any other expression than his cool, calm and collected one. Ed was still in a state of incredulity so I turned to look at Alex.

His face showed no emotion. Nothing. Nada. Not even a twitch. But his eyes. Something was taking place in those blue eyes of his. The impassive look he was giving me that was what pushed me over the edge. This wasn't suppose to happen! I was just suppose to get Justin in time for dinner and that's it. That one simple task. And yet, I still haven't completed it.

I had no idea what Leona would do and that scared me. Sometimes I could predict my 'punishments' in certain situations but when it came to this one my mind was blank.

"Carrie-" Ed started.

"Can we go now Justin?" I asked him but it was of course rhetorical because I held onto his arm and drew him out the house anyway.

We walked up the road in complete silence, only the sound of nature propelled around us. I was anxious because I knew he would ask something. We are human beings and we are generally curious about things.

I looked over at Justin. He had his hands tucked into the front pockets of his jeans, his posture stiff and a far away look on his face. He was thinking, but what about?

I turned my attention back to what I was doing. I kicked another pebble once again watching it roll in the street because of my force. I knew it was a bad trait because it was said that if you do that your future job will be something related to that said action of kicking stones or along the lines of a sanitary engineer. I don't even know.

"Why?" I almost jumped out of my skin at the sound of Justin's voice even though I knew this was coming anyway. Why? I think that was one of the most used words on a daily basis. Along with when, where and who.

Why did you steal it?

Why are you breaking up with me?

Why is this so hard?

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