Chapter 15 : Drunk Alex Is Definitely My Favorite Alex

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Chapter 15 : Drunk Alex Is Definitely My Favorite Alex

It has been a good couple of hours since Leona practically drenched me in that red liquid called wine. I was the one who eventually had to clean it up and myself also with a thorough warm shower. I sighed internally at my pathetic excuse of a life. I should be grateful in a way though, it could be worse.

Now at the moment I was sitting up on my bed with my night light as my only light source and the silence of the night filling my ears. The moonlight also shone through my bedroom and with its white light came along a feeling of sadness. I drew for my smooth leather bound journal and lost myself as I began scribbling across new blank page.

Journal Entry #74: August 23rd, 2015.

She sat alone,
Alone and at home,
Where her screams were silent,
But her mind was violent.
Her insecurities hid deep inside,
And they did indeed eat her alive.
A tear rolled down her face,
And her heart began to race.

She wanted to take a blade and tear her skin,
Where her depression lied deep within.
This would continue for days, months, years,
Until she cried her very last tears.
She would decide that that was enough,
The world around her just got too tough.
She would take a pistol and put it to her head,
Congratulations, she would now be dead.

Would this act make you happy?
Will it make you glad?
That I no longer have to be so mad.
Will you mourn me?
Will you apologize for all you've done? If you do I'm sorry dear, but your apologies are next to none.

My hands shook uncontrollably as I gripped the pen harshly in my hold. I could feel the traitorous tear that slip out my eye and I sucked in a shaky breath trying to control my emotions.
I finally dropped the pen softly onto the page hearing the audible impact and shut my journal rolling over onto my side, placing it in my half opened drawer beside me.

I said a small thankful prayer to God and switch off my night light shuffling under the covers comfortably, awaiting sleep.


Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

I heard this constant rhythm of what sounded like an object hitting against my bedroom window. The noise was clear and it successfully forced me out of bed in my half awaken state. I sauntered over to the window and looked through rubbing my eyes feverishly, trying to stifle a yawn. My eyes bulged as they took in the sight of the figure below my bedroom window.

I quickly slid my window open and my thought of hallucinating was pushed aside as I indeed saw him.

"Alex?" I whisper-yelled and shivered as the cold night wind blew in my face.

Alex who was looking down at the grass with a wondering expression whipped his head up and a lazy smile spreaded across his face as he gazed at me. I frowned.

"Carrie," He sighed and I looked at him weirdly. This was the first time he called me by my first name and he had an undistinguished look painted onto his face.

I opened my mouth to speak but he continued on.

"Carrie, oh Carrie let down your hair!" He shouted loudly into the night, his voice projecting all around in echos. I flinched at his volume.

"Um, Alex are you okay?" I rushed and watched him with my eyebrows scrunched up as he swayed from side to side carelessly.

"But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?" He said kneeling on one knees and at that moment I noticed his flushed face and bloodshot eyes.

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