Chapter 10 : Teach You How To Fight Back

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Chapter 10 : Teach You How To Fight Back

Bringing another spoon of the creamy, delicious goodness into my mouth I sighed. Only a few things could make me feel better and ice cream was definitely in the top five of that list.

I sniffled softly as I pulled the blanket that Alex had got me further up to my nose. We were on a long coach in the living room with the lights off watching some films. He had opted for Ride Along in hopes of lightening the mood but all I did since the movie had started was cry as if I was reading The Fault In Our Stars for the very first time.

On the other hand, all he did was just sitting there staring at me sideways. In any other situations I would've been really uncomfortable and blushed but at the moment I really could care less.

"You know what Monroe?" Alex asked breaking the silence but didn't wait for a response, "I think you should stop being so weak." He said lowly.

I snapped my neck towards him, "Say that again."

"I said I think you should stop being so weak. You have this naivety about you yes but that doesn't mean you have to take shit from people all the time. Francesca almost hit you today and something tells me it's not a first. You did nothing to stop her." He ended shaking his head in disappointment.

I blinked at his words and the spoon I held in my hands fell in the tub of ice cream effortlessly. "Sorry if I can't go around beating the crap out of people every time they piss me off." I hissed sarcastically.

The movie was long forgotten at this point. Our main focus was solely on the argument that was bond to take place between us.

"Wow," Alex breathed in disbelief. "For your information I don't beat up every one that has pisses me off because if I did you would've been bruised a long time ago," I internally regurgitated at the thought of Alex putting his hands on me. Matter of fact I couldn't even imagine it.

I flinched at the blow.

"I don't beat the shit out of any and anyone, I fight people who deserve it. So get your facts straight before you go and start judging or sprouting shit." He growled.

I sunk deeper into the comfortable coach in an act of surrender.

Alex sighed, "I'm sorry, it's just...I want to show you that there's more to you. You're not as fragile as everyone else thinks, you're not a coward like you think you are."

"I just insulted you and your further retaliation compliment me?" I laughed unamusedly as I looked up at him through my damp lashes.

He gave me one of his famous smirks but then it was wiped off by a thoughtful expression. He sat there pondering until finally he opened his mouth.

"I want to teach you how to fight back."

"Pardon?" I sputtered.

"I'm going to teach you, personally, how to physically fight back." He told me confidently waiting for my response to his words.

"W-what do you mean by that?" I sputtered.

"I'm going to teach you how to box." He said.

"Box? As in boxing? The physical and aggressive 'I want to kill my mom but I won't because I can pretend her face is this punching bag sport'?"

Alex burst out laughing at my words and I stared at him in awe. Man, was he beautiful.

"Yeah, that one cupcake." I scrunched up my nose at what he said at the end.
"What? You don't like the nickname cupcake?" I shook my head. My dad used to call me that. He always thought that 'princess' was too common between fathers and daughters. I honestly thought his reasoning was silly to be blunt but was touched that he wanted us to be different so I went along with it.

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