Chapter 24 : The Unexpected

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Aha! Yes, I'm here once again. A round of applause please for this double update. I deserve a cookie, hehe. Enjoy this, you guys deserve it. Comment your thoughts because you will have something to comment on trust me.

Chapter 24 : The Unexpected

"Carrie dear can you come here for a second?" Miss Cooke, my Biology teacher, yelled over the dispersing class.

I took a hold of my stationery and bag walking up to her desk. I watched with curiosity as she fixed her glasses that fell on her nose bridge.

She held out a sheet of paper in front of her. "Can you manage to deliver this to that boy Alex Parker? He's absent today and as you know the assignment's due tomorrow and he needs to get it done since it's worth so much of his final grade."

I looked down at the paper in her hands and my own extended out to take it slowly and with uncertainty.

"Wonderful!" She clapped enthusiastically, her pearly teeth shining brightly.

She was such a happy person.

"I owe you one my dear." Being on of my favorite teachers I smiled at her attempting to display that it was no feat for me, even though it was.

I walk away my head swarming with different thoughts.

Why does it seem every time I try to avoid him something always forces me to see him one way or another?

It was as if nothing ever worked in my favor when it came to him.

I was getting really exasperated by this.


"Can you drive me somewhere please?" I interrupted Sirina who was painting her toes meticulously.

She froze with the polish's brush in between her fingers.

She shifted bending to close the small bottle beside her on the night table. She bended gazing up at me but did the act of blowing on her toes. "Where-" *blow* "to?" She asked, her blue eyes now glowing with anticipation.

"Do you know where Alex Parker lives?" At my question she snapped her head up, her blowing came to an instant stop.

She tilted her head looking intrigued. "The one and only right? Justin's friend?" I nodded.

"Why would you want to go to his house?"

I sighed. "I have a piece of homework the Bio teacher told me to give him. It's due tomorrow so..." I trailed off.

She nodded slowly taking in everything I said. "Okay just give me a few minutes to let this dry and then we can drive over to Mr. Bad Boy's residence." She beamed.

I didn't return the same feeling though. The thought made me queasy for some strange reason.

This was such a bad idea.


"I'll circle back around in the next ten minutes to get you okay?" Sirina said as she sat in the driver's seat of her car.

I stepped out and nodded. "Thanks again for doing this."

She shook her head, "It's no problem Carr, I'd do anything I can to help you." She whispered.

I just nod once again.

Her engine revved to life and off she went in a span of a few seconds.

I turned and analyzed the Olympus that stood tall and rigid in front my eyes.

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