Chapter 18 : Goosebumps Are Forming

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Please listen to Shawn Mendes' Never Be Alone. It is the song to the side and highly recommended. God, his songs are good.

And do not overlook anything I write. Everything in my chapters are placed there for a reason. *cough* this so- *cough* -ng for *cough* example *cough*.

Chapter 18 : Goosebumps Are Forming

Surprisingly, Zoey's friends and I got along exceptionally well and that said something, me being the anti-socialist I was. I learned many interesting things about them being in their company for the twenty five minutes we had.

I gathered that Rosalie was the nicest of them all. She was quirky, fun and loved to be involved in the conversations and there wasn't a dull moment within them. Also she was a major bookworm and we bonded over the novel If I Stay. Leo was also kind. He was more into the entertainment world though, his entire heart and mind revolved around music and the arts while Jonah was practically the complete opposite of him. Jonah was a more laid back guy and he didn't talk much but he also wasn't silent. He showed expressions to regular things and from what I gathered he was a very normal seventeen-eighteen year old teenage guy.

Avril was into music too but she preferred punk rock than the ancient Mozart and other classics that Leo was drawn too. Me, I listen to any genre of music and then I come to the conclusion of whether or not I like it but I would have to say I am a classical girl like Leo. Her hobbies that she mentioned included playing volleyball, which I grimaced at, and swimming. I was very surprised because she didn't seem like the athletic type of person. And last but not least, Jonah. He seriously didn't say anything during our intriguing discussions. He sat beside me bobbing to his loud music with a frown etched onto his face and his eyes closed.

I was shocked to say the least when the rest of them carried on as if he wasn't there. Must be a regular thing he did.

Presently, I was in my last class for the day which was history and the bell had finally rang making everyone including me sigh in relief. I was really tired for some reason additionally my stomach was churning like hell and the pain was becoming unbearable to the point where I was wincing every five seconds. All I wanted to do now was go home and rest.

But obviously Mr. Jonas had different plans.

"Carrie, can I see you for a second before you leave please." He said loudly over the ruckus the children were making. The dispersing teens chuckled at my misery as they got out the hot classroom as quickly as their feet could carry them.

I groaned and winced once again at the vibrations that travelled.

I fixed my backpack appropriately on my back and walked over to him.

"Yes Mr. Jonas?"

"Oh yes. There's this particular student who is, let's be open here, failing this class. He normally gets average grades but this subject seems to be a serious struggle for him," He paused making sure I got what he was telling me.

"I understand. But with all due respect sir what does this have to do with me?" I questioned.

He clasped his hands on his desk leaning towards me. "I want you to help him for me, tutor him. He's a trying student and unfortunately I don't have the time with finals just around the corner and I know you don't too but it would be a big favor towards me if you just studied along with him. Explain to him what he doesn't understand." I froze at his words as they continued spilling out his mouth.

"I would've let Leanna do it but we all know she's not as bright as you and neither is she as understanding, so what do you say?" I look at his hopeful expression having a battle with myself internally.

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