Chapter 7 : A Cry For Help

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"A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal." - Steve Maraboli

Chapter 7 : A Cry For Help

The feeling of something warm on my forehead made me stir in my sleep. My eyes fluttered open and I groaned when I realized I was looking straight into the bright ceiling light.

With squinted eyes I looked around my surroundings and sucked in a sharp breath when I noticed that I was not in my room. I was in an unknown room.

My breathing swiftly picked up as the memories of the events from earlier started coming back to me and I clutched my chest trying to calm myself down but it wasn't working. The room was really big, it could probably make two of my room which was something since my room was pretty big also. I leaped off the neatly made bed that was creased because of my sudden action.

I was barefooted and I looked down at myself panicked at a sudden thought but let out a sigh of relief when I saw that I was clothed still. I noticed that I was wearing a different shirt though, a black button up, I recalled that my own was destroyed by that maniac.

Tears welled in my eyes as I remembered how he had touched me. I tripped over my steps and accidentally knocked off an object from a long dresser that I didn't acknowledge was beside me.

The object fell with a sharp crash and it shattered as it hit the floor. I stepped back so the glass shards didn't come in contact with me.

I began to panic as I heard a door shut and the running of water which I had heard ceased. I automatically bent down to pick up the pieces of the bottle that broke with my bare hands out of instinct but froze when I heard someone yell.

"What the hell are you doing Monroe? Stop!" My motions froze and I looked up slowly to see a shocked Alex.

He ran over to me and pulled me far away from the shards and onto the bed. I looked up at him and my lips quivered helplessly.

His bright blue eyes softened and he held me to him quickly but I drew away out of habit. When I saw him look at me in surprise I rushed out a quick apology, "I'm sor-ry. It's not you, it's just how my body reacts when caught off guard and I'm sorry if I made you-"

He shhhed me cutting me off and I looked up at him through my wet lashes. "I know Monroe, it's okay." He told me assuringly. I let out a breath. "I'm not angry at you, I'm pissed at that fucking bastard-" I whimpered as I remembered the cold look in that monster's eyes as he told me 'not to fight it'.

Alex's hands twitched and he looked at me helplessly and then he spoke, "Do you trust me?" He asked randomly. I looked at him confused. He repeated his question a little more serious this time, "Do. You. Trust me Monroe?"

I stared at his gorgeous face gazing into his beautiful eyes in silence. From the moment I met him he had done nothing to prove me otherwise. So out of complete honesty and out of how I felt at the moment and not by the rumors I heard I whispered, "Yes."

He seemed relieved at my answer and I wasn't quite sure why, that was up until he spoke again and I understood. "Monroe, I'm going to touch you. Is that okay with you?"

Both my mind's and body's trained response was to say no but as my mouth opened the words couldn't find any way out. I looked at Alex again, he was looking at me with a promising expression. One that said he wasn't going to hurt me or do anything I wouldn't like.

I shook my head wildly, still uncertain.

"Please Monroe," He said softly looking at me straight in the eyes. My heart fluttered at the intensity within them.

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