Chapter 2 : Why You Gotta Be So Rude?

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Song of the chapter : Rude by MAGIC!

Chapter 2 : Why You Gotta Be So Rude?

As I slammed the front door behind me, I came face to face with Hershey's, my dog. Yes I named him off a chocolate brand. He barked happily at me and jumped into my arms slightly startling me.

"Hey boy!" I cooed the occurrence behind me forgotten at the moment.

He was a small, maltese brown dog with white paws. I had him since last year, I got him for my birthday. I had always wanted a dog and I finally had the guts to tell Leona. At first she was against it, of course she was. Anything that made me happy she was against. It only made it harder to convince her due to the fact that Natasha was 'allergic' to dogs. Allergic my detrás. She just hated animals period. In the end though I got Hershey's promising to do Natasha's homework for an entire two months because she was the one who told Leona that she wouldn't mind her.

Hershey's licked my cheek making me scrunch up my face in dislike.

"No, bad boy, Hershey's. No saliva for me." I scolded as I put her down and headed up the stairs with him on my tail.

Hershey's jumped onto my bed, tail wagging and tongue out and all. I guess he missed me. Felt good for someone to for once in a while.

"Stay." I ordered him as I went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Twenty minutes later as I walked out of my bathroom door my bedroom door was slammed open revealing an immaculate looking Leona. How could someone so cruel look like such an angel on the outside?

"Haven't you heard me buzzing you?" She asked calmly. Calmness was not a good sign. Oh crap. I looked over to the intercom that Leona had placed on the wall by my bed. She thought it was more convenient than seeing me every time she wanted me to do something. Practical isn't she? On the white intercom I noticed a distinct red flashing light indicating that she indeed had buzzed me.

"No I was taking a shower, I apologize." I rushed out quickly in fear of what she might do.

She stared at my wet state in my towel for a moment her face emotionless. "Don't let it happen again." She told me. I heard the threat in her voice loud and clear. I nodded swiftly.

"May I ask why you needed me?" I asked faintly, merely above a whisper. I was still wary of her. I didn't trust her. She was like a snake.

She laughed a loud, "Please don't use the word 'need' child, no one needs you and no one ever will, is that clear?" She ended strictly.

"Crystal," I whispered reluctantly.

I know what you're thinking, what the hell?! Yeah, if I wasn't used to this by now and saw it happen to someone I would have had the exact same thought. This wasn't always the case, I used to be very defiant and wouldn't take hell from anyone. Especially Leona. I was always told to be myself and not let anyone tell me who to be by my parents growing up as a child. But from the day when Leona first laid a hand on me and abused me I knew what she was capable of. She was the first person to have ever hit me like that, and it terrified me.

Almost everyone knew what she did to me. Natasha could care less and if anything she enforced some of my 'punishments'. Sirina kept quiet but I could always she that well hidden gleam of sympathy in her eyes but obviously she wouldn't dare go against her mother dearest because of me. Justin was hardly around the house, he always had some excuse to not attend family gatherings and dinners. Sometimes I felt like he hated all of them. Couldn't really decipher his feelings towards me for he always so nonchalant and easy breezy. And lastly my dad.

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