Epilogue : Our Happily Ever After

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The tear-jerking song for the end of Carex's story is Grateful by the beautiful Rita Ora.


I didn't know about anyone else but my boyfriend stole the covers like it was a must for him. I tugged it back and so it went as he tugged back. It transformed into a game of tug of war between us until I got frustrated.

"Give it to me Alex!"

"It's too early for sex," He mumbled huskily.

I glared at him coldly when he went under the duvet again.

"Don't flatter yourself I just want the covers." I snapped folding my arms across my chest as the cold morning air blew in from the window left ajar in my flat.

When he didn't move again I slapped his burrito shaped body making him turn and peek up at me cutely, one eye closed.

"Baby, it's six in the morning I suggest you stop yelling if it isn't my name coming out your mouth."

Even though I didn't intend to I blushed but I tried to cover it up with a scowl that fell when he raised his arm up and gathered me under the covers with him.

I shivered in delight at the feeling of his body warmth radiating onto my skin.

Even after four years he hadn't lost the habit of sleeping without a shirt.

I couldn't complain really. His body was a work of art. He had been working out more and had stopped his fighting, only doing it occasionally. It was showing now because his body was perfectly sculpted, toned and not too hard nor soft. It was just perfect.

Alex linked his legs between mine and wrapped his arm around my waist breathing in my scent. I couldn't resist as I placed my face in the crook of his neck, closing my eyes. We managed to get a bit more sleep before we really had to get up.

Today was my college graduation. Leaving high school, I got into Harvard with a 3.9 GPA. It wasn't the greatest but it was my best. My dad was so proud and so was my brother. As a gift dad made sure I got this flat instead of living in a college dorm. He said it was easier when it came to studying and stuff like that. I accepted it wholeheartedly and now here Alex was after hopping on a plane to support me on this special day.

He had his graduation a month ago. I, of course, had attended. He didn't think I could've though and neither did I.

Things between us had gotten not so perfect and we became distant. The long distance thing was getting tiring and it pained me everyday that I didn't know exactly what he was doing at Columbia University while I was here. It wasn't like I didn't trust him, I did, but when I hardly could even talk to him for more than fifteen minutes because of tiring assignments and vice versa it got me thinking all sorts of things.

Eventually, I decided to trust the man I loved and put him in front of everything. I could hear the dejection in his tone when I told him I couldn't go to his graduation that day and God, I felt awful. I hopped on a plane and made my way there that exact day. I watched from the crowd as he spoke to his family who were congratulating him, especially for passing with a first in Mathematics which amused me to no end because he hated it like a dose of poison.

I remembered how shocked he looked seeing me standing there when I had tapped his shoulders to turn around and within a second I was engulfed into his arms.

I knew right then and there our love was still strong. That not even distance could come between. We had come too far from where we've started from and to be realistic, nobody told us the road would be easy.

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