Chapter 1: The Great Two

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Warning! This chapter has a brief focus on prescription drugs towards the end!

In my younger and more vulnerable years I was given a piece of advice that I've been turning over in my head since. "Whenever you feel like criticizing someone," I was told, "just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had."

In consequence, I'm inclined to reserve all judgement, a habit that has stuck with me throughout the years.

June 19, 2023.

I woke up in my apartment, a familiar sense of joy filling my mind almost immediately as I got up and got ready for the day. I brush my teeth in the mirror, shooting a smile at the handsome algebralien on the other side before leaving. I grab a quick breakfast and then I'm out the door.

I walk down the streets, smiling at fans and strangers alike

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I walk down the streets, smiling at fans and strangers alike. I always loved how they would smile back, it gave me that boost of confidence that everyone needs. I of course didn't really need it, but it was nice to have anyway.

The studio I work at slowly comes into view as I hum to myself, ready to film the next episode of TPOT, but as I got closer, the parking lot seemed strangely empty. I raise an eyebrow, my smile dropping as I notice a piece of paper taped to the doors.


What..? An infection?? There was never an infection...

I pulled out my phone, checking the group chat I had made for all the contestants and I a while back. Everyone was freaking out about it. A few screenshots had been sent of some news articles, many of which said that TPOT would be discontinued.


I stare down at my screen as messages kept pouring in. It almost felt like my world was ending right in front of me, but I can't give up so easily! Surely I can find a way to bring TPOT back! 

 It almost felt like my world was ending right in front of me, but I can't give up so easily! Surely I can find a way to bring TPOT back! 

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Oh crap. I didn't have a job. It was extremely conflicting, knowing I shouldn't waste any time finding somewhere to work, but that show was like a home to me, those contestants were basically my family!

X was always my go-to for advice, so naturally I'd go to him for this.. But he always preferred talking in person, so he invited me over to spend the night. I agreed, of course, but I was a little nervous.. I had never been to his new house.. I hadn't even seen him or  Four since they moved out of town.

After I had got the new address and a good time to come over, I was on my way. It felt a little weird being in my car again after such a long time.. Everything was within walking distance here, I never really needed it..

I double check the address as I pull up to a pretty house on the corner of a street. It was about an hour drive away.. Getting out of the car and checking the address for a third time, I walk up to the door, knocking on it.

A few seconds later, the door opens and I see Four standing in the doorway. Or, at least until his eyes widened and he quickly shut the door again. I could hear a few muffled words being exchanged between him and who I assume is X before the door opens again, this time X standing there, smiling at me.

"Hey, Two! Come in, I'll show you the house!" X steps aside, holding the door open as I walk in, smiling at him and Four, who gives an obviously forced smile back. I look around for a bit, letting out a single long whistle. "PHwoo, looks great in here!" I admire the house, holding my hands behind my back.

I remember that Four remained silent, just watching X closely. Looking back, he was clearly uncomfortable with me there in his home, but he hadn't said anything yet, and I was too oblivious to notice it at the time. X showed me around the house, brushing off a door with a padlock on it. I had just assumed it was holding something valuable, like a safe.

But oho, it was not safe.

After X had finished showing me around, he led me to the kitchen sitting down at the table. Feeling pretty comfortable, I sat next to him, hearing a door shut down the hall. Four had probably gone to sleep. It was kind of late by then.

"Ok, so explain this to me. TPOT got canceled for an infection?" X asks, folding his hands on the table. "Well- TPOT itself wasn't canceled because of the infection, the studio was shut down. And the contestants were sending pictures of articles saying its not gonna relocate or anything to continue the show. And it's not like any other studios can produce it, they have a license or something, I don't really know, I don't do the legality stuff.." I give a small laugh, still feeling pretty lighthearted.

"Hm... So there's no way to get the show back..." X thought for a moment, as if trying to find a way to soften the blow. "Sorry man, It really sounds like a lost cause... cause if you don't have permission to produce the show, you're kind of out of luck... I can help ya look for job openings though!" He smiled at me. "Oh, that'd be lovely! It's sad I gotta leave that all behind, but the longer I sulk about it, the harder it'll be to keep up with my rent.."

The rest of that night was a little foggy around the edges, but X and I talked some things through about work, home life, stuff like that. One thing stuck out to me though.

"Where's Four?" X asked, seeming to just notice that Four wasn't in the room. "Oh, i think he went to sleep, he walked off earlier.." I reply, not thinking much of it. X's mouth flattened into a troubled expression before he smiled again, standing up. "Here, I'll get you set up on the couch." He said, walking off to go get blankets and a pillow.

I smile as I wait, glancing at one of the shelves. There was a handful of different prescription bottles up there, it was hard to resist seeing what they were... But, hey, who isn't a little nosy?

"Uh, hey X? Do you have some ibuprofen? My head is killing me.." I call out. "Yeah, it's in the ziploc on the shelf, with the other bottles!" I hear from the other room. Well, that was easy! I stand up, walking over to the shelf, looking for the baggie, taking a glance at the labels of the other bottles as well.

Four, Four, Four, X, X, Four.. Heavens, how many meds did the guy need?? I look a little closer.. Klonopin, Ritalin, Fluoxetine... Zoloft, Dramamine... Megestrol.

I scan past the names, only recognizing one or two before I spot the Ziploc. Inside is only a few ibuprofen, a couple allergy meds, the actual bottles nowhere in sight. I thought nothing of it as I took out an ibuprofen. 

X walked by the kitchen's entrance, spreading a blanket across the couch and putting a pillow down before looking at me. "There you go! Sleep tight!" He smiles, hurrying off to Four and his room. I give a small smile, putting the baggie down and walking over, almost immediately laying down and getting comfortable.

Things were going to be alright!

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