Chapter 10: Pretty Things

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I sat on the stiff, stained rug. My knees were throbbing. I couldn't feel my legs... I was so full of emotion. I was scared, I hated Four, I hated myself for letting myself get into this situation. I was tired. But I couldn't do anything but sit there in the open closet, watching Four as he laid still, praying to God that he didn't decide to kill me.

Four was a coward. Everybody else who had a problem with me just took it out on me, but it was a fair fight. I let them do it. This was not fair. My life was at risk from the beginning... And it really hurt. I continued to stare at the unmoving Four. Was he seriously feeling guilty already? That dude is a mess...

I didn't dare to look down at my dislocated knees, knowing that just the sight would be enough to make me throw up. He could have done anything to keep me here.. Hell, he could have hurt me any other way! But this was what he chose.

I don't know how long I spent in that closet, surely at least a few weeks. The cables were starting to really hurt after being tied tightly after just the first night. He never did anything drastic like that again, just random things to try to get a reaction out of me. I hated how his eyes lit up when I gave him that reaction. I could see the hatred and rage just beneath that amused grin.

I felt like a moth in a web. Mindlessly flapping around, drawn to all these pretty things until one of them has me trapped, forced to do nothing but wait for my demise. Maybe if I didn't take that pretty thing away from what it loved, it wouldn't have snapped.


June 27, 2023.

I had kicked Four out last night after our argument. I felt bad, but it was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I had offered to get Two off the couch and into an actual bed, so that night didn't feel too different. I was used to someone sleeping beside me.

In the morning, I woke up to an empty bed like usual as well. I almost didn't believe last night had happened. I sat up, running through the night one more time before walking out into the living room, expecting to see Two on the couch or something. I didn't see Two, but I saw their phone on the couch. That was weird.

 I glance at the bathroom

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 I glance at the bathroom. It was open, and empty. Two wasn't here. I thought maybe they had gone somewhere, but their car keys were still on the coffee table.... Maybe a walk.... But Two was always paranoid of something happening while they were out, they didn't go out without their phone on them....

I immediately got a bad feeling. I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but I couldn't shake the feeling that Four had something to do with it. He was insecure, I could always tell he was worried about Two taking more from him...

I should give it some time...

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