Chapter 11: The Flit

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Warning, this chapter contains themes of violence and talk of starving, if these themes make you uncomfortable or trigger you, don't read please!


My stomach growled loudly. I hadn't eaten a single thing in days, and it was beginning to hurt more than the dull throbbing in my knees. I don't think Four did either, he never left the room. He started talking to himself out loud recently, so I've had a clear view of what went on in his head.

"That little bitch thinks he can just- chuck me out like trash-? HAhah!" Four sat on the bed, laughing before clutching his stomach, his smile dropping. "Ugh." He glanced at me. "You hungry buddy?" He smiled, walking over. I didn't like that.

I gave a small nod. "Good. maybe you'll lose a few." He laughed again before kneeling down to my level. "But seriously, I can't have you starving to death on me, I need you for this!" Great, I was a hostage. Because this man child couldn't take a breakup. He stood up, "Don't go anywhere, I'll be back~!" He said in a sing-song voice, walking off. I heard the door close, leaving me alone.

I wasn't going to wait for this lunatic to return, I didn't have a death wish! After a few seconds of silence, I start pulling at the cables around my arms, biting down on the one in my mouth. The taste of the wires were gross, but I eventually felt it loosen, leaving just my limbs bound. I could have tried screaming, but that would have drawn Four's attention.

I didn't move my legs, knowing it would hurt. The cable around my wrists began to hurt as I kept pulling it. I couldn't get it undone, and I was running out of time. I look around, seeing that knife on the nightstand. I shift along the ground, wincing as my knees bent. I slammed into the nightstand, causing the knife to fall onto the ground. I shifted towards it, grabbing it and turning it to the best of my ability, and pulling the cable down on it, slowly slicing through it. The cable broke, and my hand jammed into the knife.

I reach up and cover my mouth, holding my bleeding hand close to my chest for a moment before the pain died down and I reached down, untying the chord around my ankles. Kicking off the wire, I stood up, immediately falling back down from the pain in my knees. I needed to take this slower. I took a breath, grabbing the bed to pull myself up, taking slow, wobbly steps towards the door. I reach for the handle, about to turn it, but it turns on its own.

The door opened and Four stood there, a plate of the hotel's food in hand. He stared at me, caught off guard. I didn't have time to talk, so I stand up straight, decking him square in the mouth. The plate fell with a clatter and he stumbled back, quickly regaining his footing and tackling me. We struggled back and forth before I bit down on his arm.

Oh how the tables have turned.

He yelped, pulling back and raising his fist to hit me, but it got grabbed by someone, getting yanked backwards roughly. He fell back and I sat up, wiping my mouth. I look up, seeing Fours face go from rage to delight, looking up.

"X! You're here!" Four scrambled to his feet, trying to take X's hands in his own, but X yanked back. "What the fuck!?" X immediately began interrogating Four, pointing a finger at him accusingly. "Why is violence ALWAYS the thing you turn to!? What about Two makes you so ANGRY!? Why can't you MOVE ON from ANYTHING!? You're mad about BFB, you're mad that they showed up, you're mad I dumped you! WHY CAN'T YOU LET THINGS GO? Let PEOPLE go!? I genuinely thought you were getting better, Four! I really did think you could be a good person! Why can you not talk things through with people like a NORMAL PERSON!?" Four looked like he was gonna cry. He stammered for a moment before X turned to me, walking over and holding his hand out. 

I gave him a stupid look, my mouth hung open in shock as I reached out, getting pulled to me feet

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I gave him a stupid look, my mouth hung open in shock as I reached out, getting pulled to me feet. I wince, and X notices, shifting my weight onto his shoulder. He glares at Four, who was still trying to find something to say. "The police are already here, jackass." He walked me out. None of this felt real.

 Four just stood there, defeated, knowing he wouldn't get out of this. When we got outside, I saw the police cars, flashing lights and officers everywhere. "How did you-" I began, but X pulled out his phone, showing me that he still had Four's location services on. "I had a gut feeling it was him.. I came here and the owner pulled up lobby's security footage for me.." I just stared. That was smart. Right now, X was like an angel to me.

There was a whole bunch of legal things to deal with after that. We went to court, Four was found guilty, he went to jail for a few different things, and I got my knees treated. I had moved in with X at that pretty house, and then I was back on my hunt for a job.

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