Chapter 8: Fester

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Warning! This chapter contains themes of violence and kidnapping as well as Minor injuries in the art (again)


That little shit kicked me out like he owned the place. We split all the costs 50/50. I'm perfectly fine on my own and that bastard wouldn't survive a week without me!

I walk down the street. All I had was my phone, my wallet, my keys...

Ha. Little idiot didn't even think about that, did he? I probably wont do anything, maybe just grab my things in a few days. My first order of business was finding a new place to stay. I didn't have any family left that would let me stay with them, so I was on my own. I could probably just check into a hotel for the night.

After walking for a bit to gather my thoughts and form a plan, I returned to the house to grab my car. I drove off, looking for a hotel. There was one surprisingly close, I don't know how I never saw it before. After getting a room, I check my phone, a small bit of me hoping X would message, apologizing and asking me to come back. But no, there were no notifications.

I flopped onto the stiff bed, staring at the ceiling. I was pissed at X. But when I began thinking about it....

X and I had been making serious progress, we were really happy. We had done so many things together, went further than I had gone with anyone else. And it all came crashing down in less than a week when Two showed up. I didn't understand why Two had to come over. It wasn't hard to find a place to stay for a while. Hell, I did it on the same day I was kicked! That pompous bitch probably just wanted to get close to X.

I hated Two. They had replaced my role on the show, and the other cast members LOVED the,. EVERYONE loved them!... X loved them. 

And then they had the audacity to get up in MY business! Why did that prick have to feel everything and everyone? ESPECIALLY after all the problems it caused the past few days! I hated it. It scared me. It made me mad. Why did they always push me? They were always so smug, even back when we first met. If Two was gone, X wouldn't have anyone else to replace me.

Then it hit me. What if Two went away instead?

That asshole was the key.

I can't do anything drastic like that... not yet... God, this was all so infuriating, this was wrong. But then again, that egocentric autie took away the people I loved most. So it's only fair I took away what THEY loved most.

 Come on man, you can't just say that. Or think, I guess.

I laid there for a while more, my mind running through scenarios in which Two disappeared and I had X back. I would glance at my phone every few minutes, hoping X would text, but he never did.

I had a solid plan by midnight. This was insanely risky..


I waited several days, impatiently waiting for the right time. Too soon and it would be obvious I was behind this. I just needed to get Two out of my way and X would come crawling back. On June 27, I drove back to the house, it was around 2 AM, nobody was awake. I took out my house keys, quietly going inside. I looked at the couch. It was empty. WAS THAT FUCKER SLEEPING IN MY BED!? I was pissed. But I had to stay quiet. I would just hide and wait, see if Two was awake first.

While I waited, I grabbed a knife from the kitchen. And sure enough, after a painfully long 5 hours, I heard Two walking down the hall and saw them come sit on the couch. I grin, it was all too perfect. I quietly come up behind them, pausing.

Then I cover their mouth, holding the knife to their throat. I wasn't gonna kill them, I wasn't THAT cold. They began to panic, but they didn't scream. Maybe they weren't as stupid as I thought. "You scream or fight, I fucking kill you." I say quietly, not quite a whisper. I feel them nod quickly.

I stand them up, still holding the knife to their throat. I led them outside, feeling their throat move against the knife as they gulped. I shove them into the back seat, making sure the child lock was on. I point the knife at them, "Don't try anything." And I shut the door. They remained surprisingly quiet as I drove. It was almost pathetic how compliant they were being.

We got to the hotel, nobody was out, and I kept the knife poked against their back as we walked in. The night staff were all either sleeping on the job or on their phones, not even looking up at us. This was all too perfect! I lead them into the room I checked out, opening a drawer, rummaging through old cables that previous guests had forgotten and the staff never bothered clearing out. I used a few to tie around their wrists and ankles, shoving them into the closet with a painful thud.

 I used a few to tie around their wrists and ankles, shoving them into the closet with a painful thud

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That was surprisingly easy... I use one more cable to tie the closet door handles together, making sure they wouldn't get out. Now all I had to do was wait and pray that the staff wouldn't come in to check on the room...

And wait... and wait. Wait for a text.

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