Chapter 21: RAID

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warning for blood, violence, gore art and death!

I kept getting those dreams about Four.. no, that thing wasn't Four. I ended up giving it a name, Spinnevier just stuck with me, and I never thought twice about it. These dreams got more and more frequent and violent, leaving me waking up in a cold sweat. I could never fight back against this thing. And in the real world, I grew increasingly paranoid about Four. He didn't lash out, but something in me couldn't forget what he was capable of and willing to do for X..

It was obvious to me that X was his main motivation for everything he had done, so I started distancing myself from X. I felt horrible doing it, but my safety was my first priority. Four always had jealousy issues when it came to him, but would do pretty much anything for him too. That just meant I had to stay friends enough with X to have Four off my back, but not too close as to send him the wrong message.

One night in particular, my dream didn't take place in the hotel room or that strange abyss with the glowing floor. I woke up in a long since abandoned room. The floor was wet in several spots, and bugs scurried away with every sound that was made. I sat up, my head pounding as I stood up, almost losing my balance. Looking around as I started walking, I recognized the room as a dusty concrete basement with a staircase leading up somewhere in the corner, and a set of handcuffs attached to the wall by a chain. There were odd stains on the wall, smears of dark red forming drawings and words I couldn't understand.

There was a small metal nail file near the wall, seemingly the only loose object in the room. I walked over to it, bending down and picking it up. All of this was eerily familiar, even though I had no memory of being in this room. My thoughts were cut short by a pair of hands grabbing my waist, another pair grabbing my shoulders. In a panic, I swung around, jamming the nail file into the eyeball of that familiar devil. It shrunk back with a small screech, but it quickly recovered, lunging at me with one of its hands over its bleeding eye. It looked like it was laughing, yet no sound came out.

For once in these dreams I felt adrenaline, I didn't feel powerless against the creature. Once again, I swung, shoving the thing's hands away and jamming the file into its other primary eye. Its smaller eyes widened as it stumbled back. It felt great to finally have a chance against this thing, fear was pumping through my veins as I kept fighting. I had an opening, shoving the file into its throat and stomping on it, it's dark blood spraying onto me. I almost threw up at the thing writhed on the ground, I could feel my heart pounding, my breathing heavy as I felt the dream slipping away.

 I almost threw up at the thing writhed on the ground, I could feel my heart pounding, my breathing heavy as I felt the dream slipping away

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In the morning, I didn't feel that dread I had been feeling lately. I felt that sense of optimism I missed so much. Sitting up on the couch, I felt my phone buzz. Looking over, I saw the usual 'good morning' text from Gaty. oh crap! It just hit me, Gaty had said Lollipop was hiring. There was nowhere else to apply besides her.

Grabbing my phone, I got Lollipop's number, scheduling an interview as soon as possible. She ended up being available the same day, seeming almost desperate for workers. When I showed up to the address she gave me, it was just Lollipop's house. I didn't complain though, being greeted with a brisk glance up and down from her.

"Well, I suppose we should get this going." She said in her usual dramatic, yet somehow uninterested tone. She only asked me a couple questions, like what days I could work, etc. She must have been really desperate, brushing over my criminal record like it was nothing.

I was hired almost on the spot, and I started getting my life back on track.

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