Chapter 20: My Angel

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Warning, this chapter contains mentions of self harm and death

When I was being led out of my cell, I was sure I was going to my execution and just unaware of it. I was surprised to be handed my stuff back after some paperwork, being led outside. I was even more surprised when I saw my guardian angel waiting for me.

I had thought X was dead! My jaw hangs open in disbelief as I get a tight hug. It didn't feel real, I watched him die. Maybe this was one of those hallucinations I've been getting.. But I had stopped getting those when Four left. He was there too, but he didn't seem nearly as happy to see me as X. "You're- What???" I asked, confused. I got almost no answer, just some random blabber about dropping charges. X's voice sounded muffled to me, everything blurry except for the attercop I couldn't take my eyes off of. Had Four actually helped X get me out? Maybe he did care about me after all...

 Had Four actually helped X get me out? Maybe he did care about me after all

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Snapping back to reality, I was being taken to a car, X's car. We were going back to the house. I charged my phone in the car, sitting in the back seat. Opening it up, I see several notifications, mostly from Gaty. "Hey! Wanna hang out this weekend?" "Hello?" "LMK when you get the chance".... "TWO I heard you're looking for a job! Lollipop is hiring I think, you want her number??" "I'm assuming you're busy or your phone doesn't work, shoot me a text when you get the chance".. There was no messages after that.

I saw some from Teardrop. "R u dead" "Bro" "oh shit ur on the news, imagine being in jail XD" "srsly tho wtf murder???" "X IS ALIVE I SAW HIM AT FUCKING WALMART. FREE MY MAN TWO" I smiled a little at this, she never took things seriously.. I checked some of my other notifications.. "G8ybb liked your comment, 0ffbrandBrand0n viewed your profile, 15 new messages from Master.Baiter" I found it weird that Four was viewing my profile, but I brushed it off, clicking on those 15 missed messages from X. He was worried about me, not knowing where I was. I wasn't sure if I should feel loved or guilty.

Four remained silent in the front seat, staring out the window and occasionally glancing at X. It seemed to me that things were still tense between them, but X was letting Four stay around until he figured something out. He reminded me of a child who had just gotten caught by police and their parents came to pick them up. But this was so much different. He didn't kill anyone- or maybe he just didn't have the time- or anything, but seeing him after what he had done was so weird.

He wasn't happy to see me, and he never was. After a painfully long time of pushing boundaries, it finally made sense to me. Four wasn't the way he was to me because of some deep rooted trauma nobody could know about, he was like that because he hated me, more than anything. It became clear to me that he only helped because he wanted X to like him again.

I kept my distance from Four in those next few weeks, frequently leaving the house so I don't have to see him. I was struggling now more than ever to find a job. Even though the charges were dropped and X was alive and well, my record wasn't looking too hot. Every background check ruined the whole thing for me, and soon I had gone through almost every place around. It became depressing, knowing I was a mooching bum again. I felt myself growing a distaste for my own life, guilt drowning me daily.

Several times I had gotten those urges, but the knives had been hidden away by X. It wasn't clear if it was to protect me from myself or from Four, but either way it worked. I got those nightmares and hallucinations again, seeing shadows and spiders and angels and all these crazy things. Several nights I had thought the rapture had begun, these hallucinations becoming auditory as I heard and saw commotion happening around the dark, empty room.

Four didn't lash out, I didn't give him the chance to. But I could feel the tension every time I walked by. X started sitting next to him on the couch again too, but no words were ever exchanged. It was a start, I guess. I felt horrible for tearing them apart.

I was starting to run out of options. 

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