Chapter 4: Altercation on Aisle Four

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Warning! This chapter contains violence, minor self harm, and minor blood! 

Enjoy! Sorry if this chapter is long!

I drove back to my apartment, not even realizing how low my phone battery was. I would just charge it when I got inside.

I never did get inside though, as another pesky note was taped to one of these doors. I sigh, squinting to read it. EVICTION NOTICE? This soon! It hasn't even been a day! I was already fed up with being kicked out of places without an explanation!

I took a deep breath. Just go back to X, explain what happened, surely he would let you spend just one more night. Why was my life falling apart?

I couldn't think like that. It wasn't falling apart, just- getting a little rough around the edges, but it wasn't anything Two couldn't handle! I've been through plenty of horrible things before! Nothing a little housing mishap would change! I got back into my car, making the drive back to that house.

I shamefully dragged my feet up the porch. I didn't want to intrude, but where else was I supposed to go? I stood outside the door, hesitating to knock. Hm..

"Heyyy, X! I got evicted.. Can I stay with you?" No, what the hell was that!? "Hey X, uh.." Crap. I had no way to explain this without sounding like a total bum. I kept running through scenarios before the door opened.

"How long are you going to stand on my porch talking to yourself?" Four asked, looking annoyed to see me back. "I- uh-" I froze, taking a deep breath before blurting out "I GOT EVICTED AND I REALLY DON'T HAVE ANYWHERE TO GO RIGHT NOW I PROMISE I WON'T STAY LONG I JUST NEED TO STAY LONG ENOUGH TO FIND A NEW JOB."

Four looked at me like I had called him a slur. "What.." he raised an eyebrow. X poked his head out from behind him, eyes lighting up. "Two? Let them in." Four scowled, moving out of the way. I walk in, feeling Four's eyes burning holes in the back of my head. "Hey, uh- X.." I started. "Did you forget something?" He asked, glancing around for something I may have left.

"No, I-"

"He got evicted and wants to stay here." Four interrupted. "O-only until I find a job!!" I add. "Oh, well they are welcome to stay as long as they need!" X replied with a smile. "Oh, oh thank you so much, I won't be a bother I promise!" I grab X's hands, shaking them slightly.

If looks could kill...

Four glared at us, walking off down that hallway. X frowned a little, glancing at him. "You two need some serious bonding.." He thought for a moment, before pulling his hands from mine, following after Four.

I couldn't help but be interested, so I waited until I heard the door close, walking up quietly and trying to listen through the door.

"I think you would really benefit from it.." "We moved out of that stupid town to get away from them, now you're letting them waltz on into our home?" "you moved us, I didn't really have a say." "I'm sorry.." "Hey, just- give this a try, alright? Just one errand, and you won't have to do it again." "Okay..." "Thank you."

There was a small pause as the bed creaked slightly as someone stood up, footsteps coming back towards the door. I panic a little, hurrying to my previous spot as quietly as possible. I give my best innocent smile as Four and X walk back out, Four grabbing his keys from the counter.

"Come on Two, we're going to Walmart." Four walked past me, giving me no time to protest as he walked out, to his car. I hurry to follow, shooting X a confused glance as I closed the front door behind me, hurrying to sit in the passenger seat as Four started the car.

He didn't look at me, immediately turning up the music in the car. It was clear he was not happy about having to do this. I didn't understand. Why did he go through all the trouble of moving just to escape me? And X had no say in it? I mean, X had always had a few complaints now and then about Four, saying he would ignore him for hours to days randomly, before going right back to that sappy, obsessive self. I felt bad for X for having to put up with it..

Four didn't say a word as he drove, eventually pulling up to the store. He got out and I followed him inside. I tried to walk next to him, but every time I caught up, he would speed up or slow down so we weren't next to each other. It began to irritate me, but I didn't bring it up.

He grabbed a cart as we got inside, passing the video games, which were all locked behind a glass door. I decided to try to lighten the mood. "Heh, you've gotta be real stupid to steal something like a game!" Four finally responded, looking over his shoulder with an irritated smirk. It was weird seeing him smile like that. 

"I mean, you should know a thing or two about stealing games." He said it simply, and I immediately knew what he was talking about. My eyes narrowed as he kept walking. "Okay, first of all, I didn't steal your game, nor your contestants. And if that's seriously why you have such a problem with me, I don't blame them for leaving you!" I kept following him, hearing a scoff come from him.

"I don't see how X puts up with your constant- attitude, and negativity! You really don't deserve them, mate." I kept following, but Four came to a quick stop, turning around to face me as I took a step back. "Say that shit again, I fucking dare you." He threatened. It almost made me laugh, was he seriously doing this in the middle of a grocery store?

I stepped closer, eyes narrowing further as I jabbed a finger at his chest. "You. Don't. Deserve. X." I spoke slowly, leaning forward. It didn't even seem to be my words that had set him off there, rather the fact I had gotten so close and was poking him.

 The next thing I knew, I was met with a painful fist straight into my eye. I yelp, instinctively fighting back. I swung my hand forward, ending up scratching him across the jaw. That just pissed him off more as he lunged forward.

 That just pissed him off more as he lunged forward

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There we were. Two grown adults, fighting on the floor of a Walmart, slamming each other into things, other customers gathered around, a few recording as I grabbed Four's arm, holding it down into the tile to stop him. He seemed to panic at the grab, quickly biting down roughly on my arm. I quickly let go before being yanked off of him by an employee.


Four and I waited by the officer at the station. He had been cuffed, being aggressive still. He looked extremely disturbed, maybe at himself.. I was definitely embarrassed. The silence was unbearable as we waited, X's car eventually pulling up.

The drive home was just as bad. X just drove silently, a clear look of disappointment as I sat in the back seat, Four in shotgun. They both stared at the road.

"I don't understand. I ask you to get along for one errand, and now you've gotten yourselves banned from the store." X said quietly. It was hard to tell if X was talking to just Four or both of us. "I-I'm sorry, X- I didn't mean to-" "Save it."

X seemed pissed, eyes locked ahead. Four was visibly upset, seemingly at himself. X didn't notice as he itched at his leg, but I did. I stared as his nails subtly dug into his knee. He was mad at himself.

 I just couldn't seem to figure out this dude's problem..

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