Chapter 19: Vertraue Spinnen Nicht

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Warning! The art in this chapter contains injury and guns, so if that makes you uncomfortable, don't read!

I waited impatiently for Two to sign papers, to drop charges, to get me out of here. I had no plans on helping them out. I hoped they rotted here, but I needed to get out of here, so I had to be nice to them. Hearing the cell door open and shut, I glance up as Two walks in, sitting on the edge of my bunk.

"They said you'll be able to go home tomorrow..." Two said simply. They didn't act upset, but it wasn't hard to tell how hard it was for them to forgive me and help me. After a few seconds of silence, they spoke up again, pulling their knees to their chest. Great, I was getting dragged into another deep conversation.

"You show up in my dreams a lot." They stared ahead, looking disturbed. "What, do you want an apology for your dreams?" I raised an eyebrow. "No, I just- Want to talk about them..." "Ugh." Two glanced at me before returning their gaze to the ground. "They're awful... It's always in them and I can't stand it.." "It?" Seriously? I was an it now? "It's not really- you? I don't know how to explain it... like- a spider.. Version of you..." They moved their hands to push their point forward. I gave a smug smile, knowing that spiders were one of- if not their top fear. I wiped the grin off my face when they glanced up, giving a faux frown of concern.

"Oh.. man.." I put on a caring tone, as if I gave a damn about this asshole. "I think I've been losing sleep, I swear I've been hallucinating.." "Really?" "Yeah, I keep seeing that thing in real life, like- sometimes I look at you and I see it." "Why you looking at me then?" "I don't know..." They looked guilty for a moment, turning their face away from me.

We both sat in silence for several seconds before Two stood up, a quiet "Good night" coming from them as they climbed to their bunk and laid down. I laid back in my own bed, staring up at the bottom of theirs. I was excited for tomorrow, but it was bittersweet. I knew nothing would be the same as it was. X was dead, and I had hurt Two. Surely word had spread, and my reputation would be ruined. It wasn't like I killed anyone, yet, so I wasn't too worried. I still felt stupid for getting caught, and had revised my plan a hundred times over in my time here. I always thought "next time" and "maybe X won't hate me" but those already impossible hypotheticals were crushed, cause X was gone.

That night I had a dream that things were how they used to be. X and I were happy together, newly engaged and life couldn't be better. I never took that ring off, it meant so much to me, almost as much as X himself. But Two showed up- or, what I assumed was Two; a staticky blank space from my mind showed up at our door, and X went straight to it. The house grew silent and the air grew stale. I felt it all slipping as I woke up to the loud clinging of cell doors.

Half awake, I was being yanked down the halls. I hated how these assholes grabbed me and pushed me around like some braindead amputee. I winced at the grip, was rushed through some paperwork, and handed a baggie. The phone inside looked familiar, but it took a while to realize it was mine. I was being let out. I was rushed out of that hellhole, blinded by sunlight and left all alone. I didn't believe it at first.. Was it really that simple? I felt stupid standing around, so I glanced down at my phone. It was dead. I began walking, going to the only place I knew I could.

X was dead, and Two was in jail, so the old house was most likely empty. I hoped it hadn't been overrun by teenage partiers, robbed destroyed and graffitied. A small sigh of relief comes over me as I see that it's fine, but a wave of sadness hits me as I see X's car in the driveway. I didn't know when the last time that thing had been driven, but it was a painful reminder that I was never getting him back.

I wasn't sure if it would be unlocked, so I walked up, trying the knob. It opened, creaking loudly as I pushed the door all the way open. I only made it a few steps before seeing the end of a gun stuck in my face. My heart dropped; at first from the gun, but then at who was at the other end. X seemed just as surprised to see me, mouth dropping open, but keeping the gun raised.

 X seemed just as surprised to see me, mouth dropping open, but keeping the gun raised

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"X!?" I barely got out before being interrupted. "Why the hell are you here? How the hell are you here!?" The gun got pressed closer to me and I held my hands up, showing they just had my phone. "Two dropped the charges!" I explained. "Where is Two?" I got questioned again. I was so confused. How was X alive? He didn't know where Two was? "They- wh- they killed you? No- They're in jail, X, how the hell are you alive!?" I took a good look at him, noticing the casted arm and leg, one side of him covered in painful bruises, the other in scrapes from the concrete he had hit. "Oh... oh my god.." I felt bad for him, he never deserved this.

The gun lowered and he stared at me for several seconds. "Why are you here?" He asked. "I didn't- I didn't know where else to go.. I thought you were dead- Two think's you're dead!" "How do I get them out." X clearly didn't want to talk to me, just wanting Two to get out of jail. "I don't know, I wasn't with them..." I frowned. X sighed, walking away slightly. I could tell from the look in X's eye that I wasn't done putting up with Two..

"I'm sorry for kicking you out.." I heard from him. I stood up straighter, filled with a bit of hope. "Really..? I mean- It's ok! I- I was in the wrong- That was SO fucked up of me and- I don't know why I did ANY of that really-" "please, Four, save it." Oh. X didn't forgive me, but it seemed he would be putting up with me for now, at least until Two came back... 

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