Chapter 16: My 3rd Eye's Open & I like What I See

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warning for the chapter: none rlly it just kinda talks about injury

I was finally allowed to leave the hospital, wincing with each step I took on my casted leg. I was getting weird looks from everyone, but I didn't care. I walked down the street, trying to figure out where I even was. My phone had been shattered, so that was pretty useless to me here... I felt like nearly a hundred people were watching me from afar, seeing my point of view, thinking I wouldn't notice. 

I began to recognize some buildings, my hopes building up. I passed a hotel- the hotel. They seemed to be doing just fine business wise. It got me thinking back to what had happened. If the staff hadn't been so dense, maybe I would still have Two. Speaking of Two, where the hell were they? Surely they weren't blamed for this. It was an accident, and it wasn't like I was dead! But people didn't seem to know that, staring at me like I was a freak.

I kept walking, passing the prison. Why was there a prison in the middle of town? Beats me. I got a weird feeling as I walked by. I knew Four was in there, and it was kind of weird to think about... I stopped walking, staring at the entrance for a moment. Should I...?

No. I don't need Four. Or Two, wherever they are. I kept going, eventually finding my house. Surprisingly, it seemed untouched. The people here were like leeches, so it was normal for them to try to buy and sell any property they could, as fast as they could. I walked inside. The door was unlocked. Yikes.. It felt weird being back. It was quiet.. Glancing over, I saw a photo of me and Four in a frame. Only the frame had fallen off its hook, shattering on the floor. It made my stomach hurt to look at.

I didn't need him.


Being around Two again was hell. They were always so nervous in this place, hanging around me like a lost dog. I hated talking to them, I hated being near them, and I hated  *them*. But I had to admit.. I hated being alone even more. It felt kinda nice to have someone rely on me again, even if they were super annoying. 

But I can't forgive them for killing X. I didn't care if it was an accident. I couldn't get over X. He had been my everything, and Two just wiped him out like my future. Destruction followed Two, they were unlucky it seemed. Their power trip of TPOT had ended, and now everyone seemed to dislike them again. It was really annoying fighting for them. Why was I protecting this prissy little brit? I didn't know, but I felt obligated to keep doing it, even though I wanted them dead.

One night, we were laying in our bunks, right after the doors had locked. I turned over to my side, thankful that Two wasn't trying to start explaining themself again. Or so I thought, my eyes snapping open at that "Hey Four.." ugh. "Don't talk to me." I replied, just loud enough for them to hear. "Please, Four. I just want to clear things up..." I groaned, turning onto my back as if they could see me from the top bunk. "Fine. The hell do you want?"

"You and I both did horrible things..." "Wow, take you all day to figure that one out?.." "I'm just- I would be willing to forgive you if you could forgive me.." "Forgive me? I don't want your forgiveness." "Four, please.. I know you care at least a little bit.."

Oh my god how full of themself was this person??

"Keep telling yourself that." "I will.. Cause I know it's true.." I sighed, getting annoyed with Two already. "Four, we're already stuck together. I can get you out of here... I can drop the charges..." That caught my attention. "Drop charges..?" It was true, I wanted out of here badly. But I wasn't sure how desperate I was. Leaving Two here would probably get them off my back for a while, but it was only a matter of time until they showed up again.

"Forgive me?" I saw their hand stretch down from the top bunk, barely getting within reach of mine. I sighed, grabbing their hand and shaking it. "Fine."


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