Chapter 14: Red, White & Blue

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Warning!!!!!! This chapter contains: Death, violence, mentions of blood!! PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER IF THESE THEMES TRIGGER OR UPSET YOU!!

I could see how desperately Two needed some out time. That's why I took it upon myself to bring them out for a walk. They agreed happily, eyes lighting up at the mention of hanging out properly. We walked down the sidewalks of our town, making our way along the highway. There weren't very many cars, only one or two rushing by at a time. It was dark out, and some people had already started popping fireworks for the holiday.

"I'm glad you're finally getting out." I commented, not meaning anything rue, just making my thoughts known. "I get out all the time, what do you mean?" Two raised an eyebrow at me. "Besides Gaty. She's the only person you ever talk to anymore." I replied. Two had been talking about Gaty a lot again, and while I did my best to remain supportive and happy for them, it hurt to see them so happy with their favorite person while mine had turned out to be sick.

"Hey, I mean, who else is not her?" They laugh a little, glancing off the side of the bridge into the water below. "Me.." I respond, plain and simple. Two frowned at this, turning back to me. "You don't want me to hang out with Gaty?" They ask, a sad tone to their voice, as if they were picturing life without her already. "You know that's not what I mean. I just- You talk about her a lot, It's starting to feel like you don't care about me anymore.." I frowned, staring down at the cracks in the sidewalk, stepping on each one. "Of course I still care about you!" Two almost seemed offended.

"I know.." A car whirled past, causing me to flinch. I didn't like walking closest to the road, but Two always walked on the right side of people. I didn't know why, but that's just how they did things, and they would always seem extremely uncomfortable on the left side. "Then why are you saying it feels like I don't?" Their tone had a bit of an accusatory tone, and I regretted bringing this up. "I- Never mind, lets just keep walking." That just annoyed Two. Their lip curled into a bit of a grimace, hating when people suddenly dropped topics.

"Seriously?" They stared at me "I'm sorry Two I shouldn't have brought it up, just forget it ok?" That just fueled their need for answers. "No! I want to know why you're so worried about me leaving!" I began to grow annoyed myself, stopping and turning to them. "Just let it go man!!" They kept walking, not wanting to face me directly I guess. I reached out, grabbing their wrist to stop them, but that triggered something in their mind. I could almost feel the sense of danger they felt just before the danger I felt. They swung around, yanking their arm away and shoving me away. A little too far.

I stumbled back into the road, both of us immediately stammering to apologize. I couldn't get a single word out before I heard a few bystanders yelling, then a loud car horn. I was blinded by the headlights, a few bright fireworks popping several miles away. 


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I felt the worst pain I had ever felt in my entire existence.

And then I felt nothing.


July 4th, 2023.


I stared as the car screeched to a stop far too late, headlights catching the shiny blood splattered across the pavement. The Two onlookers rushed over, lowering themselves to the mangled form below them. Everything went blurry as I began to panic. I heard yelling and phone calls and soon I heard sirens.

Next thing I knew I was being roughly shoved into a holding cell again, then getting my phone and keys taken and put into a Ziploc, then being led into a world of horrible people. I did my best not to hyperventilate, digging my nails into the back of my other hand. I didn't know what to do. I was a sick and twisted murderer who killed one of their best friends over a petty argument. I didn't even mean to push him, my body had reacted before my mind could register anything. I felt so stupid, so guilty, horrified with myself. I attacked myself in my head for a good five minutes until a familiar yellow glare caught my attention. I glanced over, my heart sinking and my blood running cold.

 Just a few feet away from me sat the attercop that brought my life to a dead end. Eating a bagel. "What the hell are you doing here?" Four broke the silence after several seconds full of stunned rage. "I- X-" I began; Four's eyes shot wide at the mention of X, standing up and walking over. He kept a low voice, not wanting to draw enough attention to be dragged off. "What the fuck did you do to X!?" He glared, leaning in close. I flinched, leaning away from him. I guess it was my turn to hate our closeness. "I- I accidentally-" I backed up. "I pushed him- and a car-" I couldn't finish my sentence, but I didn't need to.

"What..?" He dropped the aggression for a moment, looking genuinely heartbroken. I cringed at the sudden emotion in this heartless mans eyes. "Tell me he's okay." Four quickly regained his aggressive tone. I remained silent, not being able to bring myself to lie. I saw the cruel concoction of grief, rage, and despair flash in his eyes before his emotions go to him. I flinched as he moved to attack me, but he got yanked away by a guard, the screaming and- crying? Mess being reprimanded as he was dragged off.


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