Parallax (Part 2)

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[USS Voyager]

„Report!", Kathryn said as they arrived on the bridge.

„We're running into some kind of spatial distortion.", Seska told her.

„Mister Tuvok!", Kathryn exclaimed.

„The distortions are emanating from a highly localized disturbance in the space-time continuum. Distance, twenty thousand kilometers off the port bow.", Tuvok reported.

„All stop. On screen. Gravimetric flux density is over two thousand percent. If I'm not mistaken, we're looking at a type four quantum singularity.", Kathryn stated.

„Captain, I am receiving an audio transmission from within the singularity.", Thalia stated surprised.

„On speakers.", Kathryn ordered.

They could hear a female sounding voice, but the words were garbled.

„I think I've found the source of the transmission.", Harry stated.

The distant image of a ship appeared on the viewscreen against the black hole.

„Does it look like any ship you're familiar with?", Kathryn asked Neelix.

„No, nothing I recognise. But then it's, it's so hard to make out.", he answered.

„They may be trapped in the event horizon. Open a channel. This is Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Starship Voyager to the vessel near the quantum singularity. Do you need help?", Kathryn asked.

„Event horizon?", Kes asked confused.

„A singularity is a star that's collapsed in on itself. The event horizon is a very powerful energy field surrounding it. Why, er, once on a particularly dangerous trade mission to the twin stars of Keloda, I myself was almost trapped inside", Neelix explained.

„No response to our hail, Captain.", Thalia stated.

„Can we tractor the vessel out?", Kathryn wanted to know.

„No. The subspace interference is too heavy.", Harry said.

„Captain, we're less than three light years from Ilidaria. They have sophisticated technology. They might be able to help and they're quite friendly, most of the time.", Neelix said. Thalia got a bad feeling about how he said ‚most of the time'.

„No. It looks like it's being pulled in toward the singularity. We have to get it out of the event horizon.", Kathryn stated.

„Bridge to Torres. We need a way to get that ship out of there. Any ideas?", Chakotay asked B'Elanna in engineering.

„I was thinking we could remodulate a tractor beam to match the subspace interference. It might be enough to cut through the event horizon.", B'Elanna answered over comms.

„A subspace tractor beam?", Chakotay asked.

„Exactly.", B'Elanna said.

„When can you have it ready?", Chakotay asked.

„Two hours, maybe three.", B'Elanna answered.

„Get right on it. Use as many people as you need.", Chakotay told her.

„Mister Carey, what do you think?", Kathryn asked.

„With the right field modulation it might work, but we'll need more power to the emitter array.", Carey stated.

„Very well. You're in charge, Mister Carey. Report to me when the tractor beam is ready.", Kathryn stated.

„Aye, Captain.", Carey replied and ended the transmission.

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