The Caretaker (part 3)

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The corn was as high as Kim's eye. Palomino ponies grazed. A middle-aged woman came off the verandah of a big white clapperboard house, carrying a tray.

"Come up here. Come on, now. I have a pitcher of lemonade and some sugar cookies.", Aunt Adah told them.

Every crew person got their tricorder out and they started scanning their surroundings.

„Captain?", Tom asked.

„Don't believe your eyes, Mister Paris. We've only transported a hundred kilometres. We're inside the array.", Kathryn said.

„There's no indication of stable matter. All this must be some kind of holographic projection.", Harry stated.

„Oh, you poor things. You must be tired out. Come on and sit down and rest awhile. Have a cold drink, hmm?", Aunt Adah said.

„No, thank you. My name is Kathryn Janeway, captain of the Federation Starship Voyager.", Kathryn stated.

„Now, just make yourselves right at home. The neighbours should be here any minute. Oh! Why, here they are!", Aunt Adah said as a group of people arrived.

An old man with banjo, the Caretaker, speaks: „Well, good to see you. Welcome."

„We're real glad you dropped by.", the daughter agreed.

„Now we can get started. You're all invited to the welcoming bee!", Aunt Adah announced.

„Let's have some music!", the Caretaker said. He started playing and the farm folk danced.

„The crew's scattered around this farm, Captain, but they're all accounted for.", Thalia told Kathryn.

„Move around. Scan the area. See if you can find anything that might be a holographic generator.", Kathryn told her.

„Have some nice fresh corn on the cob. Fresh corn on the cob. Corn on the cob. Corn on the cob.", Aunt Adah said.

„Can you tell me why we're here?", Kathryn asked. 

„Oh, we don't mean you any harm. I'm sorry if we put you out. Why don't you just put your feet up and get comfortable while you wait?", Aunt Adah replied.

„Wait for what?", Kathryn wanted to know.

„Isn't anybody hungry? Come on now, make yourselves at home. I'm sorry if we put you out.", Aunt Adah repeated.

Thalia, Tom and Harry walked around the house. A dog followed them.

„Hey, let me show you around. The root cellar's right over there.", the daughter told them.

„What's down there?", Harry asked.

„Potatoes, onions. But it's real private.", the daughter replied, flirting with Tom.

„Tom, she's only a hologram.", Thalia said.

„No reason to be rude.", Tom stated.

„Whoa.", Harry suddenly said.

„What?", Tom and Thalia asked at the same time.

„Sporocystian life signs. What's in the barn?", Harry asked the daughter.

„Oh, nothing but a big old pile of hay. Hey, come on, let's go see the duck pond. There's nothing in there. It's just a dark, smelly barn. Hey, do y'all want some devilled eggs? Huh?", the daughter replied, but the three moved the girl aside and entered the barn.

„See? Nothing but hay.", the daughter said.

„There is a life form here. Just one.", Harry stated.

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