Time And Again (part 1)

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[USS Voyager]

Tom Paris was handing over helm to his relief, a Starfleet woman.

„Holding course three five one mark one zero, warp seven. We'll be passing a red dwarf system in forty minutes. I can't tell you if there are any M-class planets.", he told her. Then he went over to Harrys console, where Harry sat and Thalia stood next to. 

„You ready?", Tom asked Harry.

„No, I really want to get on that transtator assembly diagnostic.", Harry replied.

„Harry, I can't do this alone.", Tom stated.

„I'm sorry.", Harry said.

„You're making a big mistake. Can't you see what's going to happen? We're the only humans out here, Harry. People are going to start pairing off, and if we don't get to the Delany sisters in Stellar Cartography soon, somebody else will.", Tom stated.

„I've got a girl back home.", Harry objected.

„So what? I've got five.", Tom said.

„I plan on seeing mine again.", Harry stated.

„Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry. You really think she's going to wait for you?", Tom asked.

„I hope so.", Harry stated.

„Let her go. Let her have a husband and kids and a good life, while you and I have the Delany sisters.", Tom said.

„Oh so that's what this is about.", Thalia said laughing.

„I told you, I need to run a transtator diagnostic.", Harry told Tom.

„You need to run a self-diagnostic. Look, they come as a pair. It's a double date or no date. Come on. I told them all about you.", Tom replied.

„What did you tell them about me?", Harry wanted to know.

„Well, for one thing, how you broke the single pilot speed record at the Academy.", Tom said.

„Record. I never broke any record!", Harry exclaimed.

„And who are they going to check it with?", Tom asked and Thalia facepalmed. 

„If you need someone to go with you, I'd love to.", she said. 

„So I have a date with three girls instead of two?", Tom asked.

„Ew no! No offense Tom, but you're not my type. But Jenny...", Thalia trailed off.

Before Tom could answer, something hit Voyager and the ship started shaking. Kathryn and Neelix staggered in from the Briefing room.

„Report!", Kathryn ordered.

„We're at the leading edge of a shockwave.", Tom stated.


In her quarters, Kes woke from her sleep and sat upright. The shaking stopped.


„Minor hull breach on deck three. Contained. Shields are holding.", Harry said.

„Engineering is undamaged, Captain. All systems operational.", B'Elanna said over comms.

Tom took back the helm.

„Mister Paris, can you identify the source of the wave?", Kathryn asked.

„I'm not sure. Scanners are picking up a debris cloud in the red dwarf system we're approaching.", Tom said.

„It consists of differentially charged polaric ions, Captain.", Tuvok informed Kathryn.

„Differentially charged? That would suggest a massive detonation. Are you familiar with any intelligent life forms in this system, Mister Neelix?", Kathryn asked Neelix.

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