chapter 6

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Rudvika packed her stuffs and came out of her room, her brother was waiting for her outside, he looked at her with a smile, she hugged him tightly trying to hide herself from everyone.

Avinash- bacchi everything is fine, no one can hurt you until I'm alive don't be scared hmm.......he caressed her hairs, he saw his father coming with a packet in his hand.

Shivnath ji- Rudu look beta I've jalebi for you.......she peeked through his chest, she give him a smile which is definitely fake, he remembered how she always got excited after finding jalebi and use to say jalebiiiii .

Meethi ji came from kitchen with so many packed boxes she has prepared Rudvika's favourite snacks she knew at her parents'house everyone used to eat spicy food and Rudvika's spice tolerance is very low that's why she made her favourite snacks for some days.

Meethi ji- you got jalebi wait I'll come.......he came with curd in bowl she knew Rudvika's love for dahi Jalebi ( I'm a big fan of dahi jalebiiiii).
She served Rudvi her favourite dish but it would be first time Rudvi wasn't excited for eating, yesterday was a big trauma for her a man whome she don't know kissed her forcefully and even threatened her on the name of her family and love, she talked to Veer he was fine but he had bedrest for some days.

After sometime Aadya left with her brother for her maternal grandparent's house, her family was unaware of the fact that Akshat had their every minute update.

Akshat's POV

Yesterday was the best day of my life I kissed my Shona her lips are so soft just like rose petals I want to kiss them daily but have to wait little just for results day then I'll make you mine Shona, but before that I have to do something with that lover boy how dare he, he try to kiss my woman and even propose my Rudvika no no I'll not let that happen.
I know yesterday she scared of my behaviour but I was too angry at her that I lost my control over my actions, I know she is going at her Nana's house I have prepared everything for her now my men will gaurd her everytime after tomorrow I can't trust that lover boy.

End of Akshat's POV

He was lost in his thoughts when someone put her hand on his shoulder, he turned and smiled at her.

Akshat- maa what happened why are you walking, I asked you to take rest.........he made her sit on couch and sat near her legs.

Ritu ji- I'm just walking beta I want to talk something important beta.........he put his head on her lap, she start caressing his hairs.

Akshat- yes ma say whatever you want you don't have to ask .........she smiled at him.

Ritu ji- beta promise me that you'll never force her.......... Akshat opened his eyes and understand about whome she was talking.

Akshat- I'll never force her maa believe me I just want her in life that's it .........she tried to say something but he intruppted her .

Akshat- maa I had lost so many things because of politics and now I can't risk, I know it's hard to believe that I'm in love but I'm in love maa, there are too many girls near me but she attracted me her innocence pulled me towards her and in just ten days I'm ready to die and kill for her, maa you know what I go through please maa I'm asking for something after years please let me be with her ..........he felt her tears on his head he instantly hugged her .

Ritu ji- I'm sorry beta you have to suffer because of us but please don't make her suffer I heard from Naveen that she is very innocent.

Akshat- yes maa she is just like a child inocent honest, naive and kind too, I promise maa I'll love her the most, I'll protect her from every problem, I'll never leave her side in any situation I'll cherish her at every movement.......she broke the hug and look in his eyes.

Ritu ji- always remember your promise the day you break your promise the day you'll lose your mother.........he kissed her knuckle and nodded. They heard someone's running footsteps and found Vihaan running inside his room, he hide behind Akshat.

Akshat- now what did you do with her things......he knew that he was hiding from their sister.

Vihaan- Bhai I sware it's happened by mis........they heard a loud yell.

Aakriti- Vihaan, oh so you're hiding behind Bhai come here, Bhai tell him to come here infront of me........... Akshat pushed him infront Vihaan look at him with bombastic side eyes.

Vihaan- didi sorry I sware I was in hurry I mistakenly took your lipliner......... actually he broke her lipliner.

Akshat- Aku bacchi I'll buy you a new one leave him come let's go for shopping.........he loved his sister more than anyone in this world.

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