I was born in Bronx new York on march 1st.my mother gave birth to me on the bed of are home.I lived with both my mother and father,and I know what y'all thinking "a mother AND a father".but yeah I did have both my parents in the same house as me and they loved each other .since I had both of my parents I was often bullied alot,and on top of that my father was white,I was flat chested with big lips and i was born with my eyes blue and my hair was very long and soft so I went thru hell.I've been called things like white girl,nigger baby,white monkey,blue eye bamboon and other things and people will pull my hair and cut it but when I went home my dady was at work but momy was there and she was always making me feel better every time I got bullied.
Momy:what's wrong baby(hug)
Me:they cut my hair and called me ugly
Momy:its ok baby you at beautiful ok and don't let anyone else tell you difrent
Me:ok momy
Momy:wanna help me cook
*flashback over*
My parents where the best parents ever I loved them so much.when I was 5 my dad gave me a braclet with a green clover since my favorite color was green and I never took it off.also I had a little brother named Craig and he was autistic. So when he was born I got bullied even more but at least it was will my brother that I loved so much.when I was 10 my mother and father died in a car accident and it was only Craig and I.are family didnt want us cause we was mixed raced and it was 2 of us.I took care of Craig myself if there was food I made sure Craig got more than me and I made sure he learned things so he can function better.but one day a man came in are house and shot Craig.I jumped in front of the bulled but the man was was close with the gun so the way I jumped in front of my baby brother was crazy cause it shot me in the shoulder and went thru me and right into his chest and he died then the police came with the ambulance and they took Craig to the hospital then they sent him to a funeral home cause I wanted my Lil brother cremated so he can always be with me along with my mom and dad.I got all of them in there own urin that needs a key for it to unlock,but these people sent me right to foster care.

Fanfictionit's been 1 month since I've seen the horrid of a body laying on the ground in its own blood...... I was on the plane looking out the window at the clouds i would see ,jailed in my thoughts thinking about heaven and where is it if there is one...