WARNING:VERY explicit chapter so if you feel uncomfortable when people say NASTY words and things please don't read this chapter
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I handed kaliya to rayan so he could take the action of feeding her while me and Prince have are 1 on 1 talk.
as soon as he left the room i immediately got down to businessme:Prince are you out of yo rabbit ass mind!?yo goofy ass just pulled that gun out on me 2wice!!and the last time it was infront of kaliya!
jacob:shut up
me:why yo nugget neck ass doing dumb shit?
why you acting like this Jay?you wasn't acting like this when you told sonna that I ment nothing to you and don't forget when you used my name and hoe in the same sentence, the only time you actually cared about anything is when you was between my legs doing the stupid shit you like to do!jacob:stupid?!
me:yeah stupid!
jacob:bitch please!you wasn't calling "the stupid shit I like to do" stupid when you was moaning my name and scratching up my back!
me:hell naw son!don't put this shit on me!maybe I was moaning cause you went down on me!
jacob:says the mf that head game go crazy!
me:but who ate the booty like groceries like on some 100 shit wit cho shitty mouth ass!
me:but who kissed, licked and sucked on this shitty mouth
me:yo New name is "shit shit" since you like to eat ass
jacob:and yo New name is "basketball" since you wanna lick my balls like you on the court
me:you just mad cause yo tounge popped my cherry before you did !
jacob:shut tf up with yo hoein ass!I didn't Evan love you!
me:(stand up on bed)son you must do cause I remember I was on my period and yo dirty ass still tried to fuck me!
jacob:cause I needed pussy and sonna left me that day when I was on hard!
me:but wait....I didn't finish!yo nasty ass ate me out that day!BUT I loved you enough to kiss you afterwards
he then looked at me and I was certified intimid.I then jumped off the bed and went to the other side of the room where the closet was but then he walked in my face
and he.....

Fanfictionit's been 1 month since I've seen the horrid of a body laying on the ground in its own blood...... I was on the plane looking out the window at the clouds i would see ,jailed in my thoughts thinking about heaven and where is it if there is one...