we made it to the hospital and are sitting in the doctors office waiting for her to come back with the results on what's wrong with me.
20 mins later the doctor walks in smiling at me and chres and sits in her twirling chair.
doctor:I just got the results and there is absolutely nothing wrong with jacob it's actually very normal
chresanto:well explain
doctor:you and mr.perez was sexual and it is very natural to have a aftershock.this time jacob actually had and intense after shock because of his powerful orgasm
chresanto:and how can we prevent this from happening again?
doctor:jacob will have to lay off of sex for about 3 months and when you do it mr.August you will have to lay off a little and it will also help if jacob stop thinking about sexual pleasures for a while just until the twitching and studdering go away but like I said it's very normal and mr.perez will have an after shock every time he is sexually active roughly.but if he thinks about sexual pleasures to early it can cause the studdering and twitching to come back.
chresanto:thank you mame
the doctor left the room to get me some prescribed drugs to prevent my after shocks being so intense like it was today where I shuddered,twitched,and was tempararily paralyzed from the waist down
chresanto:damn I really fucked you up last night (smirk)
me:(hits chest) s-sh-u-u-p (twitch) I-I-ma b-ea-t y-y-a a-s-s
the doctor than came back with the pills and with a notepad and pen

Fanfictionit's been 1 month since I've seen the horrid of a body laying on the ground in its own blood...... I was on the plane looking out the window at the clouds i would see ,jailed in my thoughts thinking about heaven and where is it if there is one...