we made it to rays home and it kinda reminded me of my home when I was little,which is kinda odd because there house no where as near little as my childhood home.rayan then walked me into the kitchen and there stood this very beautiful women that resemble Ray.rayan then started to communicate with I'm guessing his mom.when I was little I took sign language and Spanish but I'm kinda rusty on both languages.I stared at rayan and his mom as they where communicating and it caused me to fill warm inside.they then glanced at me so I knew it was my turn to put my memory in check.
first I waved then pointed to myself and put my pointer and middle finger together on both hands and put them on top of each other then I I touched my left cheek with the nail of my pointer finger and began to finger spell my name
K-I-E-R-R-Awhen I was done her and Ray had a big smile on there face she then began to talk back and she said:
"I am very impresed with you kierra and you can call me kiesha or ms.smith and you are definitely welcome in are home"
I thanked her then me and Ray walked upstairs and into this pink and blue room
rayan:kierra this is my sisters room
me:oh really?,how old is she?
rayan:she's 15 and she should be on her way now but she has a bad additude
me:oh ok nothing I can't handle
rayan:k but kierra
me:yeah rayan?
rayan:you can call me Ray or Ray Ray if you like
me:(gigle)ok Ray Ray
we then started laughing and when I tell u his laugh is stupid it's historical lmla.while we was laughing I then heard a voice comming down the hall and in the room with me and Ray.
?????:(otp)yeah I'm fr that's what she s-wait a Min there is people in here I will call you back later..........ikr I can never get privacy in this fucking house.....ok then......bye bestii
and she then made a kissy noice and hung up
?????:Ray why tf are you in my room and who tf is sh-Ray Ray I swear to God if you tried to fuck some hoe on my bed-(gco)
Ray:first off faith-(gco)
me:wait did you say faith?
faith:yeah that's my name why tf does it matter?!?!
me:umm you wouldn't so happen to be adopted would you?
faith:why bitch what's it to you?!!?!?
Ray:yes she is kierra-(gco)
faith:wait......(stare harder) kierra?
kierra:yes it's me
and then she walked up to me smiling and then her smile faded and unexpectedly she smacked me.I felt a hard sting on my cheek .
Ray:WTF FAITH!!!!!
he then pushed her on the floor
faith:DONT!!!!.......FUCKING TOUCH ME RAYAN!!!!.......don't put your godamn hands on me!!!
Ray:what's your problem?
me:what happend we where bestiis-(gco)
faith:no bitch put the enfisis
on wereme:what happend?
faith:you happend you retarded white hefer...you left me alone in the smelly ass,lonely ass place!!!ALL because of you I got raped my multiple people while ms.Rogers just watched......if you would have never left they would have got YOU......not ME.I STILL WOULD HAVE BEEN PURE!!!!YOU DUMB SLUT!!!!I HATE YOUR ASS!!!!
Ray:.....bruu.....you was low-key a hoe anyway
she then stomped her way down stairs angry
Ray:umm I think you would have to sleep in my room today
me:(laugh ) Ray your so stupid " ....bruu.....you was low-key a hoe anyway " like really lol??
Ray-just saying
SHOUT out TooMindlessForYa SHE IS THE MOST BEST SMARTEST PERSON IN THE WORLDand if she don't get some followers just kInow in a end and erase ALL MY STORIES......IM NOT PLAYING........IM SERIOUS......SERIOUSLY GUYS......IMA BEAT YALL ASS YALL BETTER START FOLLOWING HER(just so y'all know faith is TooMindlessForYa for not asking to put you as this stupid mf.....LOVE YA MONII!!!!AND SORRY!!! but to make it up to you with a shout out)

أدب الهواةit's been 1 month since I've seen the horrid of a body laying on the ground in its own blood...... I was on the plane looking out the window at the clouds i would see ,jailed in my thoughts thinking about heaven and where is it if there is one...